
A few bash scripts I wrote

Primary LanguageShell

m4gu5 bash scripts


Uses http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com to check if a site is down for everyone or just you. If site is online, prints 1 and return code is 0. If site is offline, prints 0 and return code is 1.

Example usage: ./downforjustme http://github.com


Checks what hosts are online in an IPv4 class c (/24) network. Requires the fping and ifconfig packages.

Example usage: ./hostChecker ./hostChecker


Lets you execute a program after all instances of the specified program had quit. For example, you could do a shutdown -h now after all updates were installed.

Example usage: ./run_after pacman shutdown "-h now"


This script sets the current "Astronomic Picture Of The Day" as wallpaper in Gnome. You can specify the directory where the pictures should be saved, else /tmp/ is used. If you use feh or another program to set your desktop wallpaper you have to change the last line of this script.

Example usage: ./setAPOD /home/$USER/Pictures/APOD