
🕵️🤥 A Model Checker for the Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever

Primary LanguageHaskell

A Model Checker for the Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever


We implement the logics of Agent Types from [LiuWang2013] in Haskell. The resulting program checks various Theorems in fractions of seconds. In particular we verify a solution [Rabern2008] to the so-called Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever.

The implementation is stand-alone, while similar to DEMO-S5 [vEijck2007]. We make heavy use of Haskell's pattern matching and models are represented explicitly, using a custom data type based on lists.

Complete literate Haskell documentation is in mchlpe.pdf.

Slides from a talk at PhDs in Logic VIII are here.


[LiuWang2013] Fenrong Liu and Yanjing Wang: Reasoning About Agent Types and the Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever. In: Minds and Machines Vol. 23, 2013. doi:10.1007/s11023-012-9287-x

[vEijck2007] Jan van Eijck: DEMO-S5. Tehnical Report, 2014. https://homepages.cwi.nl/~jve/software/demo_s5/

[Rabern2008] Brian Rabern and Landon Rabern: A Simple Solution to the Hardest Logic Puzzle Ever. In: Analysis Vol. 68, 2008. doi:10.1093/analys/68.2.105

Obligatory XKCDs

xkcd: Labyrinth Puzzle

xkcd: Automation