
List all servers from html page with table (td) like confluence to connect

Primary LanguageShell



This is script list all server from html page with table () and automatc coonect in selected server.


  1. Linux or MacOSX
  2. Ruby with bundle (gem install bundle)
  3. SSH RSA Key to connect on Server
  4. HTML Page with table (Company | Hostname or ip Address| user| port | alias )

How to Instal

cd ~/
wget https://github.com/brfso/conServers/archive/master.zip
unzip conServers-master.zip
cd $PWD/conServers-master/


For Mac users, follow the steps bellow:

brew install zenity
brew install wget

Notes: Mac Users can install wget using this is how to: http://osxdaily.com/2012/05/22/install-wget-mac-os-x/

Linux Users

Notes: If you have some problem installing nokogiri, please execute the following command:

sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev 
sudo apt-get install ruby zenity ruby-dev
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get install bundler

How to Use

  1. Set SSH Key in SSH_KEY in /etc/conservers.config
  2. Change Page to connect (url) in /etc/conservers.config
  3. Execute conServers.sh

$ conservers.sh

To Update Server List

To update server list from html page, execute with option -u or --update

$ conserver.sh --update

Help and Troubleshoot

For help, usage:

$ conserver.sh -h
Usage:  conserver [OPTIONS]


 -u,   --update        Update Server List
 -gui, --gui-mode      Use GUI Mode
 -h,   --help          Displays usage info

For troubleshoot use:

$ bash -x conserver.sh [option]


To view or report bug, request new features, use: https://github.com/brfso/conServers/issues