2022 SW Engineering Project - Danggeun Nara



  1. Node.js (v16.14 LTS)
  2. Yarn
  3. PlanetScale CLI

VSCode Extension (option)

How to run

  1. Type pscale auth login in your terminal to login to PlanetScale.
  2. Type pscale database create <DB name> --region ap-northeast in your terminal to create DB.
  3. Type pscale connect <DB name> in your ternimal to connect DB.

    If MySQL is running, there is port conflict, so type pscale connect <DB name> --port <port number except 3306>.

  4. Add DATABASE_URL="mysql://<port>/<DB name>" and SESSION_PASSWORD=<String of 32 or more characters> into .env file.
  5. Run yarn install in project folder.
  6. Run npx prisma db push.
  7. Run yarn dev and access http://localhost:3000 with your browser.

    Before running yarn dev, you should connect DB first.

To use all functionality (e.g. image upload, chat, stream), add followings into .env file.
CF_ID=<CloudFlare ID>
CF_IMAGES_TOKEN=<CloudFlare image token>
CF_STREAM_TOKEN=<CloudFlare stream token>
NEXT_PUBLIC_KAKAO_MAP=<Kakao map token>