
Parser of MFT in go

Primary LanguageGo


A Parser of Master File Table NTFS file system.

Using this tool you can explore $MFT and its attributes. You can selectively extract information about an entry or a range of entries. In addition, you can export the contents of the file if you have mounted the evidence and provide its physical drive order and partition number by using the respective parameters.

New you can now explore $MFT by providing physicalDrive and partitionNumber e.g. -physicalDrive 0 -partitionNumber 1 translates to \\.\PHYSICALDRIVE0 D drive.

Usage information type: MFTExtractor -h

-MFT string absolute path to the MFT file (default "MFT file")

-attributes string show attributes

-entry int select a particular MFT entry (default -1)

-export export files (files exported to 8.3 format).

-fileName string show the name of the filename attribute of each MFT record choices: Any, Win32, Dos

-filesize show file size of a record holding a file

-fromEntry int select entry to start parsing

-index show index structures

-partitionNumber int select partition number (default -1)

-physicalDrive int select disk drive number for extraction of non resident files (default -1)

-resident check whether entry is resident

-runlist show runlist of MFT record attributes

-structure reconstrut entries tree

-timestamps show all timestamps

-toEntry int select entry to end parsing (default 4294967295)

-vcns show the vncs of non resident attributes