
Simple centos7-box with minimal set of packages

Primary LanguageApacheConf

Centos7 Vagrant Box

Software Prerequisites

  • Vagrant 1.8.4
  • VirtualBox 5.0.26

Packages Included

mysql-community-server httpd php php-mysql nginx rsync vim-enhanced tmux policycoreutils-python git ntp wget make

Quick Start

First we need to add Centos/7 iso to Vagrant

vagrant box add centos/7

We can see the list of existing Vagrant boxes by typing:

vagrant box list

centos/7             (virtualbox, 1609.01)
puphpet/centos65-x64 (virtualbox, 20151130)

For additional info check official Centos documentation.

After adding Centos iso to Vagrant, configure synced folder on your local machine by editing Vargant file ( e.g. /code folder on local machine will be synced to /opt/code on virtual machine ):

config.vm.synced_folder "../../code", "/opt/code"

Boot machine:

vagrant up

All vagrant commands should to be run from the directory where Vagrant file is located.

Additional Configuration

By default, nginx is configured to listen on port 80 while apache is listening on port 8080. This can be tweaked on provisioning level as well as vhost configuration for both nginx and apache.

box-config folder contains box level configuration (in this case for centos7-box box). Everything inside centos7-box folder will be mapped to newly provisioned box, which means that we can have independent configurations for different boxes.

Adding or removing packages from the box is done by modifying provisioning-scripts/centos7-box.sh file.

After modifying existing configuration files we need to re-provision Vagrant box:

vagrant reload --provision

To login into newly created machine, type:

vagrant ssh

To turn off machine, type:

vagrant halt

To save machine snapshot run:

vagrant snapshot save NAME

and to restore a snapshot:

vagrant snapshot restore NAME

Run into problem with vm?

vagrant destroy

and then

vagrant up