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a compiler for a very specific flavour of css




the general philosophy was to make css shorter, faster to write and less annoying

semicolons and colons may be emitted

blocks are defined by indentation rather than brackets

some values may be shortened, instead of having to write completely write them. consult the lookup table on what values are able to be shortened


	mg 0
	pd 10px


variables may be declared using $name = value

$color = teal

	bg $color

because variables have to be declared using a dollar sign the equals sign may be omitted

$width 10px

	height 5px
	width $width

variable shortcuts

$width 10px
$height 5px


is equivalent to

$width 10px
$height 5px

	width $width
	height $height


mixins are declared with a percent sign and can be mixed into your templates with the same sign

	bg #f2f2f2
	bd 2px solid teal

	cl red


  • bd: border
  • bd-r: border-radius
  • bg: background
  • cl: color
  • d: display
  • h: height
  • mg: margin
  • p: position
  • pd: padding
  • w: width


$ 4css


current flags are

    -w, --watch         listen for file change
    -t, --terse         minify css
    -s, --source-map    create sourcemap [only with --terse]
    -c, --config        specify a config file


recompile whenever a 4css-file gets changed

limitation (currently): newly created files don't get compile while watching

config [file]

if you dont wan't to always specify all your entire configuration you can create a config file in your working directory

if you want the 4css cli to read and recognize your file you either have to specify your own file using -c your-file (valid file extensions are .json, .toml, .yaml, .yml). if no file is specified then it will try to parse, in order, 4css.config.json -> 4css.config.toml -> 4css.config.yaml -> 4css.config.yml. if no file exists an error is thrown


output css is minified and slightly optimised, resulting in better speed but less readability


only works in combination with --terse

creates a source-map file with every generated css file


you can get the compile function by importing it from the library


import { compile } from "@m4rch/4css"

	get the code

let compiled = compile(code)

the only argument compile takes is a string of the source code for a .4css file and it returns valid css

compile itself consists of four seperate functions, each exported too

the four functions, in order, take the value of the one prior to them or, if no prior function exists, the raw source code, just like compile itself

the four functions are

  • tokenize
  • resolve
  • flatten
  • parse


you can also import the handler used for the cli

import handler from "@m4rch/4css/handler"

the handler is a function that takes 3 arguments:

  • dir
  • out
  • options

dir is a string that specifies the directory from which you want to compile (optional, default: ".")

out is a string that specifies the directory to which you want to compile (optional, default: dir)

options is an object containing the flags