
Small sketch to create a ESP8266 based datalogger

Primary LanguageArduino

ESP8266 + DHT sensor based data logger


Getting fed up with the feeling that the temperature around here is ever changing, I created this little sketch to log the temperature and humidity to my InfluxDB server. Using a Grafana instance to display the data.

Having a Wemos D1 and a AM2301 roaming around the bench, this was used to create this data logger.

The Result

Example Grafana Dashboard



For an excelent guide to get InfluxDB up and running on your server, see https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.3/introduction/installation/.

Note: I am running InfluxDB behind a reverse proxy, you will need to adjust the port number in the sketch.


Likewise for Grafana there is a excellent setup guide: http://docs.grafana.org/installation/

Afterwards upload the grafana-dashboad.json file to get your temperature dashboard started.

The Sketch

Enter your WiFi, InfluxDB and DHT sensor type/pin as constants in the sketch, upload and you should be ready to go!
