
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/toread

Primary LanguagePython

Follow the steps below: 
1.Copy Toread to nodes
vxargs -a /home/tsinghua_wgd/wangguodong/experiment/1111/nodelist.txt scp /home/tsinghua_wgd/wangguodong/experiment/Toread.tar.gz {}:/home/tsinghua_wgd/Toread.tar.gz 

vxargs -a /home/tsinghua_wgd/wangguodong/experiment/1111/nodelist.txt ssh {} tar -zxvf /home/tsinghua_wgd/Toread.tar.gz

vxargs -a /home/tsinghua_wgd/wangguodong/experiment/1111/nodelist.txt ssh {} /home/tsinghua_wgd/1111/startup.sh

4.Get NCs
cd Toread
python gethostnc.py

if you want to get the information of pharos, use the following command
vxargs -a /home/tsinghua_wgd/wangguodong/sandbox/nodelist.txt  -t 30 -o vxargxResult/ ssh {} 'nohup sh /home/tsinghua_wgd/sandbox/evaluatePHAROS.sh'

vxargs -a /home/tsinghua_wgd/wangguodong/experiment/1111/nodelist.txt ssh {} /home/tsinghua_wgd/1111/terminate.sh

1.All the above should be done when you're in the same directory as this README
2.Make sure that all your nodes have twisted installed. Otherwise run "vxargs -a nodelist.txt ssh {} sudo yum -y install twisted" to install it.