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This is the package_verifiable module.

The idea is that we have a way to check within the catalog whether a package currently installed matches the one we want to install.

For that we place a custom fact that records the installed version and then we can use a function to verify whether there will be a change.


$pkg_version = lookup('some_package_version','1.0-1')

package_verifiable {'some-package':
  version => $pkg_version,

if $::package_some_package_version and !verify_package_versions('some-package',$pkg_version) {
  exec {'systemctl stop some-service && rm -rf /opt/my_package/service':
    before => Package['some-package'],

If the current deployed package does not match the version on the system the exec will be included into the catalog and hence triggered. By playing with before/require you will be able to add pre-/post-hooks to the package management.
Note: The fact is undef if the package is not yet installed.

If the package itself is managed in another module that should not be using the package module, we can simply add the wrapper here, without managing the package itself:

$pkg_version = lookup('some_package_version','1.0-1')

package_verifiable {'some-package':
  version        => $pkg_version,
  manage_package => false,

You can manage multiple packages if they share the same version.

$packages = ['myapp', 'myapp-common', 'myapp-libs']

package_verifiable {$packages:
  version => $pkg_version,


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