Just a Proof of Concept ;-)
- Multiple BotRules are supported
- BotRule
Runs a delegate / Extend this rule to create custom ones
- ConditionBotRule
Runs nested Rules, in case conditions are satisfied
- PowershellBotRule
Uses the powershell
- RandomAnswersBotRule
Generates a random answer
- ReplacementBotRule
Returns a answer, that contains words from the previous conversations, and can also be used to learn something
- BotRule
- Supported Conversation types:
- Console Conversations
- Lync Conversations
- Text-To-Speech & Speech-Recognition Conversations
- Any other Conversation, that implements the ChatSessionInterface
- Supports Bot-Definition from:
- C#/.NET/Powershell
- or any mixture of it
- Visualizers, that visualize your current ruleset
Checkout the example
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using QXS.ChatBot;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace QXS.ChatBot.Examples
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ChatBot cb = new ChatBot(
new List<BotRule>()
new ReplacementBotRule("repeat", 40, new Regex("(please )?repeat(?<sentence> .*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase), new string[] { "i repeat your sentence:$r$sentence$", "$s$BotName$ repeats your sentence:$r$sentence$"}),
new RandomAnswersBotRule("getfeeling", 40, new Regex("how do you feel", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase), new string[] {"i feel great", "i feel tired", "i feel awful", "i feel happy"}),
new BotRule(
Name: "var_dump",
Weight: 200,
MessagePattern: new Regex("^var_?dump$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase),
Process: delegate(Match match, ChatSessionInterface session) {
string answer = "Variables: \n";
foreach (string key in session.SessionStorage.Values.Keys)
answer += " " + key + " = " + session.SessionStorage.Values[key] + "\n";
answer += "---\n";
answer += "History: \n";
int i=0;
foreach (string ruleName in session.GetRuleHistory())
answer += " " + (++i) + ". " + ruleName + "\n";
return answer;
new BotRule(
Name: "setbotname",
Weight: 10,
MessagePattern: new Regex("(your name is|you are) (now )?(.*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase),
Process: delegate(Match match, ChatSessionInterface session) {
session.SessionStorage.Values["BotName"] = match.Groups[3].Value;
return "My name is now " + session.SessionStorage.Values["BotName"];
new BotRule(
Name: "getbotname",
Weight: 10,
MessagePattern: new Regex("(who are you|(what is|say) your name)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase),
Process: delegate(Match match, ChatSessionInterface session) {
if (!session.SessionStorage.Values.ContainsKey("BotName"))
return "I do not have a name";
if (match.Value.ToLower() == "who are you")
return "i am " + session.SessionStorage.Values["BotName"];
return "My name is " + session.SessionStorage.Values["BotName"];
new BotRule(
Name: "setusername",
Weight: 10,
MessagePattern: new Regex("my name is (now )?(.*)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase),
Process: delegate(Match match, ChatSessionInterface session) {
session.SessionStorage.Values["UserName"] = match.Groups[2].Value;
return "Hi " + session.SessionStorage.Values["UserName"];
new BotRule(
Name: "getusername",
Weight: 20,
MessagePattern: new Regex("(what is|say) my name", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase),
Process: delegate(Match match, ChatSessionInterface session) {
if (!session.SessionStorage.Values.ContainsKey("UserName"))
return "Sorry, but you have not told my your name";
return "Your name is " + session.SessionStorage.Values["UserName"];
new BotRule(
Name: "greet",
Weight: 1,
MessagePattern: new Regex("(hi|hello)", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase),
Process: delegate(Match match, ChatSessionInterface session) {
string answer = "Hi";
if (session.SessionStorage.Values.ContainsKey("UserName"))
answer += " " + session.SessionStorage.Values["UserName"];
answer += "!";
if (session.SessionStorage.Values.ContainsKey("BotName"))
answer += " I'm " + session.SessionStorage.Values["BotName"];
return answer;
cb.talkWith(new ConsoleChatSession());
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ChatBot xmlns="http://www.qxs.ch/ChatBotSchema.xsd">
<Rule Type="ReplacementBotRule" Name="repeat-last-sentence">
<Pattern><![CDATA[(please )?repeat the last sentence]]></Pattern>
<Message>i repeat your sentence: $s$sentence$</Message>
<Message>$s$BotName$ repeats your sentence: $s$sentence$</Message>
<Rule Type="ReplacementBotRule" Name="repeat-sentence">
<Pattern><![CDATA[(please )?repeat(?<sentence> .*)]]></Pattern>
<Message>i repeat your sentence: $r$sentence$</Message>
<Message>$s$BotName$ repeats your sentence: $r$sentence$</Message>
<Set Key="sentence">$r$sentence$</Set>
<Rule Type="BotRule" Name="b1">
<Pattern><![CDATA[please say (?<word>\S+)]]></Pattern>
// Enter C# Code
// System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match match;
// QXS.ChatBot.ChatSessionInterface session;
return "ok, i say " + match.Groups["word"].Value;
<Rule Type="PowershellBotRule" Name="pstest">
# Enter Powershell Code
# System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match $match
# QXS.ChatBot.ChatSessionInterface $session
$name = "John Doe"
if ($session.SessionStorage.Values.ContainsKey("username")) {
$name = $session.SessionStorage.Values["username"]
( "Hi $name from PowerShell " + $PSVersionTable.PSVersion )
<Rule Type="RandomAnswersBotRule" Name="feeling">
<Pattern><![CDATA[how (are you|do you feel)]]></Pattern>
<Message>i feel ok</Message>
<Message>i am a bit bored</Message>
<Rule Type="ReplacementBotRule" Name="set-username">
<Pattern><![CDATA[(my name is|i am|i'm) (now )?(?<username>.*)]]></Pattern>
<Message>your name is now $r$username$</Message>
<Message>you are now $r$username$</Message>
<Message>pleased to meet you $r$username$</Message>
<Set Key="username">$r$username$</Set>
<Rule Type="RandomAnswersBotRule" Name="get-username">
<Pattern><![CDATA[(what is|say) my name]]></Pattern>
<Message>i don't know your name</Message>
<Message>who are you?</Message>
<Rule Type="ReplacementBotRule" Name="set-botname">
<Pattern><![CDATA[(your name is|you are) (now )?(?<botname>.*)]]></Pattern>
<Message>my name is now $r$botname$</Message>
<Message>i am now $r$botname$</Message>
<Set Key="botname">$r$botname$</Set>
<Rule Type="RandomAnswersBotRule" Name="get-botname">
<Pattern><![CDATA[(who are you|(what is|say) your name)]]></Pattern>
<Message>i do not have a name</Message>
<!-- This condition fires in case a botname was set -->
<Rule Type="ConditionBotRule" Name="botname-condition">
<Condition Key="botname" Operator="ContainsKey"></Condition>
<Rule Type="ReplacementBotRule" Name="get-botname">
<Pattern><![CDATA[(who are you|(what is|say) your name)]]></Pattern>
<Message>My name is $s$botname$</Message>
<Message>I am $s$botname$</Message>
<!-- This condition fires in case a username was set -->
<Rule Type="ConditionBotRule" Name="username-condition">
<Condition Key="username" Operator="ContainsKey"></Condition>
<Rule Type="ReplacementBotRule" Name="get-username">
<Pattern><![CDATA[(what is|say) my name]]></Pattern>
<Message>Your name is $s$username$</Message>
<Message>You are $s$username$</Message>