
Docker compose provisioned Hashicorp Nomad cluster.

Primary LanguageShell

Nomad cluster test

Docker compose provisioned Hashicorp Nomad cluster.

Task List/Next steps

  • setup Consul server cluster
  • setup Consul client on Nomad servers and nodes
  • auto cluster nomad using Consul
  • register web service automatically on Consul
  • do load balancing using Fabio
  • document new version that includes Consul
  • use Consul service mesh features
    • Service registration and discovery
    • Service configuration
    • Service segregation
  • Use TLS communication between Consul clients and servers
  • Use TLS communication between Nomad clients and servers
  • create Terraform script to provision all infrastructure
    • VPC
      • Internet Gateway
        • Route table
        • Route table assoc
      • Public subnet
        • NAT gateway
        • Bastion host
      • Private subnet
        • ASG for Consul server
        • ASG for Nomad server
        • ASG for Nomad client
        • LB for Nomad clients
  • Access web application running inside Nomad via LB
  • Run periodic jobs on Nomad
  • Run some synchronous multi service communication
  • Implement circuit braker, fallback and retry (maybe Envoy will help on this)
  • Collect and aggregate service logs
  • Implement distributed tracing
  • Write an article and talk about this subject to share acquired knowledge
  • Do all these activities using Kubernetes, GCP, Azure


  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • nomad


It is necessary to build image first, to do so run:

docker-compose build

Then just type in your CLI:

docker-compose up

Note in server/follower configuration files that nomad cluster expects 3 instances to start but we have only two nodes provisioned by default, in order to have the minimum quorum for leader election we need to scale our nomad-followers to 2.

docker-compose scale nomad-follower=2

To control the nomad cluster from your host you'll need to configure it, check https://www.nomadproject.io/docs/commands/index.html#remote-usage for details on how to do it.

After that you'll able to schedule new jobs to the nomad cluster:

nomad plan jobs/echo.hcl

# get this command from the previous command
nomad job run -check-index <INDEX> jobs/echo.hcl

To check if the job/task is running, just get the IP address and port of some allocation:

nomad job status echo
# ID            = echo
# Name          = echo
# Submit Date   = 2019-04-10T09:17:52-03:00
# Type          = service
# Priority      = 50
# Datacenters   = dc1,dc2
# Status        = running
# Periodic      = false
# Parameterized = false
# Summary
# Task Group  Queued  Starting  Running  Failed  Complete  Lost
# web         0       0         2        0       0         0
# Allocations
# ID        Node ID   Task Group  Version  Desired  Status    Created     Modified
# 69c07707  841f3da7  web         8        run      running   32m39s ago  17m20s ago
# 2b4fa8aa  48316b39  web         8        run      running   32m39s ago  17m20s ago

# Change to your own alloc id
nomad alloc status 69c07707
# ID                  = 69c07707
# Eval ID             = 549fa229
# Name                = echo.web[0]
# Node ID             = 841f3da7
# Job ID              = echo
# Job Version         = 8
# Client Status       = running
# Client Description  = Tasks are running
# Desired Status      = run
# Desired Description = <none>
# Created             = 34m57s ago
# Modified            = 19m38s ago
# Task "server" is "running"
# Task Resources
# CPU        Memory           Disk     Addresses
# 0/100 MHz  1.8 MiB/300 MiB  300 MiB  http: # <- this is the address
# ...

Access the address via browser or curl:
