
This application return in real time indexes to a graphic that can be ploted by any frontend client

Basic scripts

To build project and add husky configuration

(to know more about husky:

$ yarn build

Or if you wanna just create .husky folder with pre-push and pre-commit files

$ yarn prepare

To start project from dist folder

$ yarn start

To start project from src folder with nodemon

(to know more about nodemon:

$ yarn dev

Run all the test suits

$ yarn test

Select wich suit you wanna run in watch mode or related files uncommited by git

(know more in:

$ yarn test:watch

Run all the tests and generate bunch of informations about project test coverage

$ yarn test:coverage

To start project from docker container

(know more in: and

$ docker-compose up

To build a container and then start automatically

Project folders schema

├─ .circleci
│  └─ config.yml
├─ .dockerignore
├─ .editorconfig
├─ .eslintignore
├─ .eslintrc.json
├─ .gitignore
├─ .prettierrc.json
├─ Dockerfile
├─ docker-compose.yml
├─ jest.config.js
├─ nodemon.json
├─ package.json
├─ src
│  ├─ common
│  │  └─ environment-consts.ts
│  └─ services
│     ├─ graphic-generator-service.ts
│     ├─ interfaces
│     │  └─ interfaces.ts
│     └─ ws-server.ts
│  ├─ index.ts
├─ tests
│  ├─ graphic-generator-service.spec.ts
│  └─ ws-server.spec.ts
├─ tsconfig-build.json
├─ tsconfig.json
├─ yarn-error.log
└─ yarn.lock

Basic Usage

To use in dev environment just run this command

$ yarn dev

Then, use some request client as Insomnia, Postman or any you prefer. In this exemple i used insomnia. In your client, create a new websocket request and put the port and url setted up in your project copy


Now click in connect and a message of success will be returned down bellow


With the client properly connect, you can send the message and the application will return the indexes



If you wanna stop the process or close connection, just send "close" in body message and the connection will be ended plot