
A CLI application that generate a point table based on matches

Primary LanguagePython


A CLI application that produces a point table based on matches.
Supported OS: Linux only
Detailed instruction with images at: https://github.com/m4tice/rank

Project architecture

├── ...  
├── rank  
│   ├── ...  
│   ├── rank  <-- main cli  
│   ├── test  <-- test scripts  
│   ├── venv  <-- virtual environment  
│   ├── data  <-- directory for input and output text files  
│   └── requirements.txt  
└── ...  

how to run

Clone the repository and run the following lines:

  • Activate the virtual environment:
source ./venv/bin/activate
  • Generate the ranked table:
rank -i <input_file.txt>


rank -i data/sample-input.txt

Application architecture

The application is designed to be an ETL pipeline with 3 phases:

  • Extract: extract data from the input text file and put them into a list.
  • Transform: transform the extracted data to the required format.
  • Load: load the result into a text file.


The phase mainly deals with string manipulation. The goal is to transform the raw data into structured data (in form of rows and columns).
The sub-functions of this phase:

  • extract_match_info(): used to split teams' names and scores and put into a list.
  • extract_team_info(): used to support extract_match_info().


The phase mainly deals with data transformation. The goal is to create a point table and add the points based on matches and predefined rule, and rank them from high to low, alphabetically.

The workflow is as follow:

  • First, we gather the unique teams' names based on matches and create a point_table dictionary. The dictionary is chosen for the purpose of quick access of a specific item.
  • Second, we adding points to point_table dictionary based on input matches (3pts win and 1pt draw).
  • Third, we sort the point_table based on points, alphabetically.
  • Finally, we add rank to teams based on points.

The sub functions of this phase:

  • create_table_dict(): create point_table dictionary.
  • point_analysis(): add points to point_table.
  • sort_point_table(): sort point_table.
  • rank_table(): add ranks to point_table.


This is the final phase, used to export the sorted rank table into a text file named generated_output.txt in the data directory.


The application is able to handle the following exception:

  • Non-exsisted file: when user tries to input a non-exsisted file.
rank -i data/unknown.txt
  • Empty file: when user tries to input an empty text file.
rank -i data/sample-input-empty.txt
  • Wrong data format: when user tries to input text file with wrong data format.
rank -i data/sample-input-wrong-format.txt

You can run the following, which covers all test cases :)

python tests/test_cli.py

The tests directory contains the test scripts for all the functions and sub-functions of this application.

python tests/test_extract.py
python tests/test_transform.py
python tests/test_create_table_dict.py 
python tests/test_extract_match_info.py
python tests/test_extract_team_info.py
python tests/test_point_analysis.py
python tests/test_rank_table.py
python tests/test_sort_point_table.py