
The site behind software.opensuse.org. It is the default web interface to download openSUSE distribution and to search for OBS packages.Packages at https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/openSUSE:infrastructure:software.opensuse.org

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Ruby on Rails application powering https://software.opensuse.org

We hope you'll get involved! Read our Contributors' Guide for details.

Installing dependencies in a (open)SUSE system

We recommend the usage of Ruby 2.4 or higher for the development.

If you are an openSUSE Tumbleweed user, it comes with the latest Ruby releases as default so you can configure your environment doing:

zypper ref
zypper in ruby ruby-devel ruby2.5-rubygem-bundler nodejs gcc make libxml2-devel libxslt-devel

On openSUSE Leap 42.3 you will need to install the Ruby 2.4 environment doing:

zypper ref
zypper in ruby2.4 ruby2.4-devel ruby2.4-rubygem-bundler nodejs6 gcc make libxml2-devel libxslt-devel

You can find more information about Ruby development and packaging on openSUSE distributions here.

Running the application locally

Just for running it in development mode. If you are playing to deploy it in a server, please apply good Ruby on Rails practices (like generating your own keys for secrets.yml).

git clone https://github.com/openSUSE/software-o-o.git
cd software-o-o

bundle package
bundle exec rails s

Enjoy your software.opensuse.org clone at

You can also run the unit tests locally using the command:

bundle exec rails test

and also the System Tests that will simulate user interaction using a headless browser:

bundle exec rails test:system

IMPORTANT: For the System Tests, the project is configured to use Firefox Headless Mode feature, available on:

  • Linux: Firefox 55 or higher;
  • Windows/Mac: Firefox 56 or higher.

See more here.

Instrumentation on development

By default in non-production environments, the prometheus instrumentation is disabled. You can enable it by passing INSTRUMENTATION=true environment variable when starting the application:

INSTRUMENTATION=true bundle exec rails s

When doing this, you need to start the prometheus_exporter process separately (otherwise you will observe a lot of warnings in the log as the instrumentation code will try to connect to the collector process). You can do so with this command:

bundle exec prometheus_exporter

After this the prometheus metrics will be exported under http://localhost:9394/metrics.

Updaing opensuse-theme-chameleon assets

git submodule init
git submodule update

After running the above commands, run RAILS_ENV=production rails assets:precompile and you should see the new assets.

Running the application in production

The application will take the following environment variables:

  • SECRET_KEY_BASE: See Encrypted Session Storage in Rails documentation.
  • API_USERNAME and API_PASSWORD: Credentials to the Open Build Service API end-point
    • These can be replaced with OPENSUSE_COOKIE if you have admin access to the Open Build Service instance.

Puma will honor other variables too:

  • PORT

In production, prometheus instrumentation is enabled and prometheus_exporter process must be started.


  • If SOFTWARE_O_O_RBTRACE is set, you can use rbtrace to debug the application.


memcache should be running. It seems to be hardcoded in environments/production.rb to localhost:11211. This probably needs to be fixed, as the dalli gem, automatically uses MEMCACHE_SERVERS env variable or as default.


If you plan to run the application on PaaS, make sure you set all the above variables correctly.

Official instance

The official instance is deployed using an rpm package. The rpm package bundles all the required gems.

There is a software_opensuse_org.service you can control via systemd.

The systemd service will read the variables described above from /etc/software_opensuse_org.conf in the form of an EnvironmentFile:


Development environment using Vagrant

There is also a Vagrant setup to create our development environment. All the tools needed for this are available for Linux, MacOS and Windows.

  1. Install Vagrant and docker. Both tools support Linux, MacOS and Windows.

  2. Clone this code repository:

    git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:openSUSE/software-o-o.git
  3. Build your Vagrant box:

    vagrant up
  4. Attach to your new development box:

    docker attach software_web
  5. Install gems:

    bundle install
  6. Start the app:

    rails server
  7. Enjoy your software.opensuse.org clone at

If you exit the shell inside the vagrant box your development environment is stopped. Want to continue? Run vagrant up and docker attach software_web again. Happy hacking!

Configuring openSUSE releases

The file config/releases.yml is used by the /distributions end-point to render the right template (leap-$version).

The variables @testing_version, @stable_version and @legacy_version will be set accordingly. @version will be set to the right version of the page you are displaying.

- from: '2018-05-25 10:00:00'
  stable_version: '15'
  legacy_version: '42.3'
- from: '2018-01-31 00:00:00'
  stable_version: '42.3'
  testing_version: '15'
  testing_state: 'Beta'
  legacy_version: '42.2'
- from: '2017-07-26 00:00:00'
  stable_version: '42.3'
  legacy_version: '42.2'
- from: '2017-07-08 00:00:00'
  stable_version: '42.2'
  testing_version: '42.3'
  testing_state: 'RC'
  legacy_version: '42.1'
- from: '2016-11-16 00:00:00'
  stable_version: '42.2'
  legacy_version: '42.1'