
A fast and flexible web-based todo list app. No account required.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A fast and flexible web-based todo list app. No account required.
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🏷️ Todo Properties

Create todo with 4 properties: Name, Date, Priority and Tag. Press Enter to add it to list. Click the circle to mark it as done.

🗂️ Multiple Lists

Create multiple lists for different purposes: daily todo list, long-term goal list or even project feature list.

🗓️ Calendar View

View your todos with calendar. The date with todos is highlighted. Click on each date to only show the todos on that day.

🗃️ Sorter

Sort your todos with the 4 properties. You can also use it under calendar view.

💾 Local Data Saving

Your data will be stored on your device locally and not persisted in any database.