
Use GitHub issues as your blog.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GitHub Issue Blog

Use GitHub issue as your blog.

Example Site: https://github-issue-blog.vercel.app


Playwright Tests Vercel

✨ Features

  • Use GitHub issues as your blog storage
  • Infinite scroll at home page
  • Create / Edit / Delete posts
  • SEO Friendly
  • Light / Dark theme
  • RWD
  • Comment Section
  • Syntax Highlighting


🚀 Get started

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a GitHub OAuth app with the callback URL: your-site-domain/auth/callback


The OAuth app supports up to 15,000 requests per hour, significantly surpassing the 60 requests per hour limit for unauthenticated requests. This increased capacity enables a higher volume of page views for your site.

  1. You can customize the blog with environment variables. Here's an example:
BLOG_TITLE="Daniel's Blog"
BLOG_DESCRIPTION="Hi, I'm Daniel, a software engineer from Taiwan. Welcome to my blog!"
NEXT_PUBLIC_OWNER="m4xshen" (your GitHub username)
NEXT_PUBLIC_REPO="example-blog" (the GitHub repository name that you want to store posts in)

If you plan to deploy your site...

  1. Deploy the site and login to start blogging!

🏗️ Architecture

Tech Stacks


  • Home Page: /
  • Post Page: /post/{number}
  • New Post Page: /post/new
  • Edit Post Page: /post/edit/{number}
    Home Page ->> Post Page: Click Post Title
    Home Page ->> New Post Page: New Post
    New Post Page ->> Post Page: Publish
    Post Page ->> Home Page: Delete
    Post Page ->> Edit Post Page: Edit
    Edit Post Page ->> Post Page: Update

Folder Structure

  • app/
    • page.tsx: Home Page
    • [number]/page.tsx: Post Page
    • edit/[number]/page.tsx: Edit Post Page
    • new/page.tsx: New Post Page
    • auth/callback/route.ts: route handler for GitHub OAuth flow
  • utils/
    • post.ts: fetch posts / post / comments
    • auth.ts: fetch user, OAuth utils
    • octokit.ts: GitHub OAuth App client
  • actions/: server actions
    • post.ts: create / update / delete post
    • auth.ts: login, log out
    • comment.ts: create comment
  • hooks/usePosts.ts: get posts with infinite scroll
  • components/: UI components
  • tests/: Playwright tests