Home, Sweet Home
Installs my osx work environment.
Each util that has explicit configuration occupies a separate folder, e.g. vim. Every such folder contains a script called install.sh that will be greped and sourced by the main installer. Each installer provides system install routine and optionally a set of directives to request a dependency or to provide one.
Here is an example vim installer script:
# depends-on: bash, brew, npm, svn
install() {
brew install macvim
brew install macvim --with-override-system-vim
brew link --overwrite macvim
brew install ag
brew install swiftlint
pip install pylint
pip install bashate
npm install -g jsonlint
npm install -g eslint
ln -s -f $THIS/vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s -f $THIS/cvimrc ~/.cvimrc
ln -s -f $THIS/vimrc ~/.ideavimrc
ln -s -f $THIS/ycm.py ~/.ycm.py
svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/utils/vim $DEPENDENCIES/llvm.vim
if [ ! -f ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim ]; then
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
vim +PlugInstall +qall
bash_export_source "$THIS/bashrc.aliases.sh"
Before install function is run all its bash, brew, npm and svn dependencies will be fulfilled.
There are two directives:
- # depends-on: <list-of-names> Requests a dependency list to be fulfilled before this installer is run.
- # satisfies: Provides dependencies for others to use. Essentially an export.
Before any installer is run a build order is defined so that each successive installer is run after its dependencies are satisfied.