
Albums & Movies Tracker for Android.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Valfi is open source Album & Movies tracker. Users can easily add their favorite albums and movies or save them for later. The application uses data from Spotify and TMDB, so you can easily add your favorite albums and movies, track the time you've spent listening and watching, monitor how many albums and movies you have in your collection, as well as how many songs you've managed to listen to.


Album List Album Search Album Detail
Album List Album Search Album Detail
Movie List Movie Search Movie Detail
Movie List Movie Search Movie Detail

Project Setup

  1. Clone repository and open project in the latest version of Android Studio.
  2. Generate and import your google-services.json file and put it in the /app
  3. Create local.properties and import it to /app
  4. Add your Spotify SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID, SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET and TMDB key in local.properties
  1. Clean and rebuild project


  • Improve UX/UI
  • Statistic Screen
  • Light/Night Mode
  • Save data in the cloud

