A browser based vocabulary trainer app.
Polyglot is a full stack web application that provides an easy-to-use vocabulary trainer.
The three provided layers are:
- Responsive Web-Interface (Javascript / Bootstrap)
- Spring-Boot REST-API
- mySQL data persistence
Check out the tutorial page for instruction on how to use the webapp!
More details on the Polyglot internals here!
There are two ways to get Polyglot running: Docker based setup and native setup.
- Docker is easier to install, but required more resources. Database and Webservice are deployed as individual containers.
- Native setup integrates into an existing mysql and tomcat installation and therefore consumes fewer resources.
Either way, first step is to clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/kartoffelquadrat/Polyglot.git
cd Polyglot
Don't forget to change the default DB password in the
scripts and*.properties
- Build and deploy the containters:
docker-compose up
- Access the web-frontend.
- Prepare your existing mySQL database. Use below commands or the provided script:
mysql -u root -p
USE mysql;
CREATE USER 'polyglot'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'loh8eeTooj0i';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON polyglot.* TO 'polyglot'@'localhost';
Build the Polyglot war file:
mvn clean package
to your application server. -
Access the web-frontend.
- Author: Maximilian Schiedermeier
- Github: Kartoffelquadrat
- Webpage: https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~mschie3
- License: MIT