The Amazon Connect Task javascript library (TaskJS) gives you the power to handle task contacts when used together with Amazon Connect Streams.
To learn more about Amazon Connect and its capabilities, please check out the Amazon Connect User Guide.
$ git clone
Amazon Connect Streams is required to use TaskJS. Ensure you import TaskJS after Streams.
- Install latest LTS version of NodeJS
- Checkout this package into workspace and navigate to root folder
npm install
- To build (non-minified):
npm run devo
for a non-minified build.- Find build artifacts in dist directory.
- To build (minified):
npm run release
for a minified build.- Find build artifacts in dist directory.
- To run unit tests:
npm run test
- To clean node_modules:
npm run clean
- To make webpack watch all files:
npm run watch
Find build artifacts in dist directory - This will generate a file called amazon-connect-task.js
- this is the full Connect TaskJS API which you will want to include in your page.
TaskJS provides a taskSession
instance for each task contact. You can access the taskSession
by calling the getMediaController
method on a taskConnection
. getMediaController
returns a promise that resolves with a taskSession
For example:
taskConnection.getMediaController().then((taskSession) => { /* ... */ });
Each of the following event handlers will pass a message object to the callback function containing the following fields:
: UTC timestamp of when the event occurred.ContentType
: One of the following strings depending on the event:application/vnd.amazonaws.connect.event.transfer.initiated
: The contact IDInitialContactId
: The initial contact id.
Subscribe a method to be invoked when the server has initiated the task transfer.
taskSession.onTransferInitiated((message) => console.log("Transfer has initiated"))
Subscribe a method to be invoked when the task transfer has succeeded.
taskSession.onTransferSucceeded((message) => console.log("Transfer has succeeded"))
Subscribe a method to be invoked when the task transfer has failed.
taskSession.onTransferFailed((message) => console.log("Transfer has failed"))
Subscribe a method to be invoked two hours before the task expires.
taskSession.onTaskExpiring((message) => console.log("Task will expire in two hours"))
Subscribe a method to be invoked when the task has expired.
taskSession.onTaskExpired((message) => console.log("Task has expired"))
Subscribe a method to be invoked when any one of the above events has occurred.
taskSession.onMessage((message) => console.log("The following event has occurred:", message.ContentType))
Create a new task.
const newTask = {
name: "string", //required, max len: 512
description: "string", //optional, max len: 4096
endpoint: endpointObject, //required, can be retrieved via `agent.getEndpoints()`. Agent and queue endpoints supported.
previousContactId: "string", //optional, the previous contact ID for a linked task
references: { //optional
"reference name": { // string, max len: 4096
type: "URL" //required, currently only "URL" is supported as a reference type,
value: "" //required, string, max len: 4096
agent.createTask(newTask, {
success: function(data) { console.log("Created a task with contact id: ", data.contactId) },
failure: function(err) { /* ... */ }
This enumeration lists the different reference types for a task. Currently there is only one reference type, URL.
: A URL reference.
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.