
Small library for integrating mobily.ws services into your Python apps.

Primary LanguagePython


Current release on mobily.ws

Getting Started

There is a small script, sample.py, which demonstrates how to import parts of the library and use them, run it from the terminal with:

python sample.py


All examples assume you have a mobily.ws account with an available balance

Managing your mobily.ws account

Request to change account password:

from mobily.utilities import MobilyApiAuth
from mobily.account import MobilyAccount
account = MobilyAccount(MobilyApiAuth('966555555555', 'demo'))

Get current password sent to email or phone:

account.forgot_password()  # send to email registered on account
account.forgot_password(send_to_email=False)  # send to phone registered on account

Check the available balance on the account:

balance = account.check_balance()
print '{0} credits available, total {1}'.format(balance['current'], balance['total'])

Configuring Senders

Check the activation status of all previously requested senders:

from mobily.utilities import MobilyApiAuth
from mobily.sender import MobilySender
sender = MobilySender(MobilyApiAuth('966555555555', 'demo'))
senders_by_status = sender.get_activation_status_for_all_senders()
print 'Active Senders:', [alpha_sender for alpha_sender in senders_by_status['active']]
print 'Pending Senders:', [alpha_sender for alpha_sender in senders_by_status['pending']]
print 'Inactive Senders:', [alpha_sender for alpha_sender in senders_by_status['notActive']]

Request to add a new sender word name:

sender.request_alphabetical_license('NEW SMS')

Two step process for activating a mobile number as a sender name:

sender_id = sender.request_mobile_number_license('966444444444')
#  the above call returns an id if successful, and a code is sent via SMS to the number
sender.activate_mobile_number_license(sender_id, 'CODE_FROM_SMS')

#  check it worked
if sender.is_mobile_number_license_active(sender_id):
    print 'Activated!'

Sending SMS messages

Check the Mobily.ws SMS sending service is available:

from mobily.sms import MobilySMS
if MobilySMS.can_send():
    print 'Service is available!'

Send SMS, immediately, saying 'Hello, World' to 966444444444, from 'PYTHON':

from mobily.utilities import MobilyApiAuth
from mobily.sms import MobilySMS
sms = MobilySMS(MobilyApiAuth('966555555555', 'demo'))
sms.sender = 'PYTHON'
sms.msg = 'Hello, World!'

As above, but using constructor, and sending to multiple numbers:

auth = MobilyApiAuth('966555555555', 'demo')
sms = MobilySMS(auth, ['96202258669', '967965811686'], 'PYTHON', 'Hello, World!')

As above, but schedule to send on 25th December 2020 at midday:

auth = MobilyApiAuth('966555555555', 'demo')
sms = MobilySMS(auth, ['96202258669', '967965811686'], 'PYTHON', 'Hello, World!')
sms.schedule_to_send_on(25, 12, 2020, 12, 0, 0)
sms.delete_key = '666'

Delete the above scheduled SMS before it sends:


Send a bulk SMS to multiple people, letting them know about their subscription, with personalised messages just for them:

from mobily.utilities import MobilyApiAuth
from mobily.sms import MobilyFormattedSMS

auth = MobilyApiAuth('966555555555', 'demo')
msg = 'Hi (1), your subscription will end on (2).'
sms = MobilyFormattedSMS(auth, ['966505555555', '966504444444'], 'NEW SMS', msg)
sms.add_variable_for_number('966505555555', '(1)', 'Ahmad')
sms.add_variable_for_number('966505555555', '(2)', '31/12/2013')
sms.add_variable_for_number('966504444444', '(1)', 'Mohamed')
sms.add_variable_for_number('966504444444', '(2)', '01/11/2013')

Handling errors

When a request has been unsuccessful, whether due to a known error (insufficient balance), or otherwise, an MobilyApiError is raised.

This error contains a message in English and Arabic.

from mobily.utilities import MobilyApiAuth, MobilyApiError
from mobily.account import MobilyAccount

account = MobilyAccount(MobilyApiAuth('DOESNT_EXIST', 'demo'))
    response = account.check_balance()
except MobilyApiError as error:
    print error.msg_english, error.msg_arabic


Tests for the core logic behind the utilities can be run from the terminal with:

     python -m unittest discover -v