Forward CloudWatch logs to Papertrail
Install the library:
go get
Package papertrailforwarder
allows for easy creation of AWS Lambda handlers that
forward CloudWatch Log Events to Papertrail.
This is an example of an entire Lambda function:
package main
import (
func main() {
handler, err := papertrailforwarder.New(
// the host of the papertrail log target
// the port of the papertrail log target as an integer value
// a function that returns a message and whether it should be logged
// it is passed the raw log message as well as the full event
papertrailforwarder.WithMessageTransform(func(message string, event events.CloudwatchLogsLogEvent) (string, bool) {
// prefix all log messages with the event id, forward all messages
return fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s", event.ID, message), true
if err != nil {
When invoked without any options, New()
will return a handler that uses the
values set in the environment variables PAPERTRAIL_HOST
and the unmodified log message will be forwarded.
Refer to the packages godoc for the entire documentation.
MIT © Frederik Ring