
Simple implementation of the Ximea m3api for xiQ machine vision cameras

Primary LanguageC++


This is a Openframeworks implementation of the Ximea m3api for adding xIQ and xIC machine vision cameras to your project.

XI_RGB32 and XI_MONO8 modes are supported, as is verbose error reporting, interactive AWB and binning. XI_RAW has not yet been implemented. Cameras can be selected through an interactive CLI dialog or set with known index numbers.

Works well with MANY cameras streaming simultaniously.

Tested with macOs 10.12.x and of v0.10.0. ofxOpenCV is required.


  1. Download the Ximea OSX software package.
  2. Open the DMG file
  3. Copy the "m3api.framework" to the "ofxXimea/libs" folder
  4. Use the projectGenerator to generate the "example" xCode project