
Nuxt blog theme with multiple colors, develop by content

Primary LanguageVue

Nuxt ✨ blog template, static generator, SEO and PWA ready!

This project related to my technical blog ✨, I decided to migrate from the Gatsby to the Nuxt. I enjoyed developing and designing this project. Please star and fork it ♥️.

Demo page (it's my real blog!)

Pooya Golchian Blog Link

Nuxt content static generator website

I use Nuxt content and Nuxt module to develop static (JAMSTACK) blog!

  • ✅ - Bootstrap 4 scss
  • ✅ - Multiple theme
  • ✅ - Fully responsive (Bootstrap 4 grid breakpoint)
  • ✅ - PWA - (manifest, custome icon, ... )
  • ✅ - Google analytics configuration - Only track code needed.
  • ✅ - Google fonts - Poppins font family
  • ✅ - Blazing fast
  • ✅ - SEO tags ready!
  • ✅ - SVG loader
  • ✅ - Github action on push

Deploy on GH_PAGES 🪄

$ yarn deploy

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev

# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start

# generate static project
$ yarn generate