
The Instant Answers project aims at enhancing Qwant's search engine by providing direct answers to a query.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Qwant Instant Answers 4.0.0

The Instant Answers project aims at enhancing Qwant's search engine by providing direct answers to a User's query. Our main goal is to provide the most relevant answer in the least amount of time to a User's query. A ribbon at the top of the results page displays what we think is the best answer to the query, when available.



Qwant has already developed several Instant Answers modules, and decided to open them to contributions. Your help is appreciated! You can help improve Qwant's Instant Answers through different actions:

  • Improving the existing Instant Answers modules
  • Developing your own original Instant Answer and request its addition to Qwant.com


List of Instant Answers ideas

There are several tutorials available in this documentation to help you contribute to Instant Answers, whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer.


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