
🏴 A straightforward forward-proxy written in Node.js.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🏴 straightforward npm bundle size

A straightforward forward-proxy written in Node.js


  • Extremely focused (~200 SLOC), no-fuzz forward proxy
  • Support HTTP, HTTPS, CONNECT & Websockets (wss)
  • Performant: By default all requests/responses are streamed
  • No external dependencies, small, self-contained, tested
  • Support both cli and extensible programmatic usage
  • Straightforward: no implicit magic or abstractions

What you can do with it

  • Start an explicit forwarding proxy in seconds that just works
  • Optionally use authentication
  • Mock responses to test code using a proxy
  • Allow others to surf with your IP address
  • Use it programmatically to do whatever you want

What this is not


# Use directly with no installation (npx is part of npm):
❯❯❯ npx straightforward --port 9191

# Or install globally:
❯❯❯ npm install -g straightforward

Usage (cli)

❯❯❯ straightforward --help

Usage: straightforward --port 9191 [options]

      --version        Show version number                             [boolean]
  -p, --port           Port to bind on                  [number] [default: 9191]
  -a, --auth           Enable proxy authentication                      [string]
  -e, --echo           Enable echo mode (mock all http responses)      [boolean]
  -d, --debug          Enabled debug output                            [boolean]
  -c, --cluster        Run a cluster of proxies (using number of CPUs) [boolean]
      --cluster-count  Specify how many cluster workers to spawn        [number]
  -q, --quiet          Suppress request logs                           [boolean]
  -s, --silent         Don't print anything to stdout                  [boolean]
  -h, --help           Show help                                       [boolean]

  straightforward --auth "user:pass"  Require authentication
  straightforward --echo              Mock responses for all http requests

Use with cURL:
  curl --proxy https://localhost:9191 'http://example.com' -v
  curl --proxy https://user:pass@localhost:9191 'http://example.com' -v

Usage (code)

// ESM/TS: import { Straightforward, middleware } from "straightforward"
const { Straightforward, middleware } = require("straightforward")

;(async () => {
  // Start proxy server
  const sf = new Straightforward()
  await sf.listen(9191)
  console.log(`Proxy listening on http://localhost:9191`)

  // Log http requests
  sf.onRequest.use(async ({ req, res }, next) => {
    console.log(`http request: ${req.url}`)
    // Note the common middleware pattern, use `next()`
    // to pass the request to the next handler.
    return next()

  // Log connect (https) requests
  sf.onConnect.use(async ({ req }, next) => {
    console.log(`connect request: ${req.url}`)
    return next()

  // Use built-in middleware for authentication
  sf.onRequest.use(middleware.auth({ user: "bob", pass: "alice" }))
  sf.onConnect.use(middleware.auth({ user: "bob", pass: "alice" }))

  // Use built-in middleware to mock responses for all http requests

In action

❯❯❯ straightforward --port 9191


Example: Secure proxy on fresh server in 30 seconds

Let's say you have a fresh linux server and want to use it as an authenticated forward proxy quickly.

  • Make sure nvm is installed:
    • curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash
  • Make sure a recent version of Node.js is installed:
    • nvm install node && nvm use node && node --version
  • Add forever (process manager) and straightforward:
    • npm install -g forever straightforward
  • Start proxy daemon:
    • forever start --id "proxy1" $( which straightforward ) --port 9191 --quiet --auth 'user:foobar'
  • Test your proxy from a different machine:
    • curl --proxy http://user:foobar@SERVER:9191/ http://canhazip.com
  • List all running forever services:
    • forever list
  • Stop our proxy service daemon:
    • forever stop proxy1



Middlewares triggered when http requests occur

sf.onRequest.use(async ({ req, res }, next) => {
  console.log(`http request: ${req.url}`)
  // Note the common middleware pattern, use `next()`
  // to pass the request to the next handler.
  return next()

Middlwares can be chained:

  async ({ req, res }, next) => {
    return next()
  async ({ req, res }, next) => {
    res.writeHead(200, { "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8" })
    res.end("Hello world")


Middlewares triggered when http request responses are available

sf.onResponse.use(async ({ req, res, proxyRes }, next) => {
  console.log(`http response`)
  return next()


Middlewares triggered when https and wss requests occur

sf.onConnect.use(async ({ req, clientSocket, head }, next) => {
  console.log(`connect request`)
  return next()
