
CLI for task management

Primary LanguageJavaScript

mem mem: the task CLI

minimal UI, maximal helpfulness


  1. Clone this repo: $ git clone https://github.com/mLuby/mem.git

  2. Cd into the clone: cd mem/node

  3. Install dependencies: $ npm install

  4. Configure your bash profile:

$ echo "mem() { cd $(pwd); node mem-cli.js ""$@""; cd - > /dev/null; }" >> ~/.bash_profile ```

  1. Restart terminal.
  2. Run $ mem help to see available commands.

###Use Typical use will start with $ mem add 'my first task'. From there you can:

  • $ mem list
  • $ mem add 'taskName'
  • $ mem delete index (from mem list)
  • $ mem connect 'userKey'
  • $ mem examine [property, eg 'tags']

###Design: What mem does (or will do):

  • ease of use
  • task dependencies
  • Gantt process
  • synchronizes across machines/apis
  • interface through email

What mem doesn't do:

  • collaboration
  • cards
  • mobile (yet?)


  • Open issues, both bugs and feature requests.
  • Pull request code you've fixed, improved, or added.

###Architecture global npm module

  • CLI
  • commands
    • add
    • list
    • help
    • etc…
  • config