
How to add "Show All" option to per page in resource - laravel nova 4

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How to add "Show All" option to per page in resource - laravel nova 4



  • php >=8.1
  • laravel >=9.19
  • laravel/nova >= 4.19


  1. Add Show All label:

    • nova/resources/js/components/FilterMenu.vue:
          perPageOptionsForFilter() {
              return map(this.perPageOptions, option => {
                  return {value: option, label: parseInt(option) === -1 ? Nova.translate('All') : option}
  2. Fix pages in pagination:

    • nova/resources/js/mixins/IndexConcerns.js:
          totalPages() {
              return parseInt(this.currentPerPage) === -1 ? 1 : Math.ceil(this.allMatchingResourceCount / this.currentPerPage)
  3. Fix pagination query:

    • nova/src/Http/Requests/ResourceIndexRequest.php:
          public function searchIndex()
              /** @var \App\Nova\Resource $resource */
              $resource = $this->resource();
              $result = app()->make(QueryBuilder::class, [ $resource ])->search(
              $count = $this->toCount();
              $count = $count ?: -1;
              $perPage = (int) $this->perPage();
              $perPage = $perPage < 1 ? null : $perPage;
              $perPage = $perPage ?: $count;
              return $result->paginate($perPage);
  4. Fix perPage value:

    • nova/src/Http/Requests/ResourceIndexRequest.php:
          public function perPage()
              $resource = $this->resource();
              if( $this->viaRelationship() ) {
                  return (int) $resource::$perPageViaRelationship;
              $perPageOptions = $resource::perPageOptions();
              if( empty($perPageOptions) ) {
                  $perPageOptions = [ $resource::newModel()->getPerPage() ];
              $recCount = $this->toCount();
              if( intval($this->perPage) === -1 ) {
                  $recCount = $recCount === 0 ? -1 : $recCount;
              return (int) intval($this->perPage) === $recCount || in_array($this->perPage, $perPageOptions) ? $this->perPage : $perPageOptions[ 0 ];
  5. Fix toArray for ajax:

    • nova/src/Http/Resources/IndexViewResource.php:
          public function toArray($request)
              $resource = $this->authorizedResourceForRequest($request);
              [ $paginator, $total, $sortable ] = $request->searchIndex();
              $perPage = $paginator->perPage();
              $perPageOptions = $resource::perPageOptions();
              $perPage = in_array(intval($perPage), $perPageOptions) ? $perPage : -1;
              return [
                  'label' => $resource::label(),
                  'resources' => $paginator->getCollection()->mapInto($resource)->map->serializeForIndex($request),
                  'prev_page_url' => $paginator->previousPageUrl(),
                  'next_page_url' => $paginator->nextPageUrl(),
                  'per_page' => $perPage,
                  'per_page_options' => $perPageOptions,
                  'total' => $total,
                  'softDeletes' => $resource::softDeletes(),
                  'polling' => $resource::$polling,
                  'pollingInterval' => $resource::$pollingInterval * 1000,
                  'showPollingToggle' => $resource::$showPollingToggle,
                  'sortable' => $sortable ?? true,
  6. Fix paginate for Query Builder:

    • nova/src/Query/Builder.php:
          public function paginate($perPage)
              $queryBuilder = $this->applyQueryCallbacks($this->queryBuilder);
              if (! $queryBuilder instanceof ScoutBuilder) {
                  $countForPagination = $this->getCountForPagination();
                  $perPage = $perPage < 1 ? $countForPagination?:-1 : $perPage;
                  return [
              /** @var \Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator $scoutPaginated */
              $scoutPaginated = $queryBuilder->paginate($perPage);
              $items = $scoutPaginated->items();
              $hasMorePages = ($scoutPaginated->perPage() * $scoutPaginated->currentPage()) < $scoutPaginated->total();
              return [
                  Container::getInstance()->makeWith(Paginator::class, [
                      'items' => $items,
                      'perPage' => $scoutPaginated->perPage(),
                      'currentPage' => $scoutPaginated->currentPage(),
                      'options' => $scoutPaginated->getOptions(),
  7. Add -1 in $perPageOptions as show all trigger:

    • nova/src/Resource.php:
          public static $perPageOptions = [ 25, 50, 100, -1 ];
  8. Add translation:

    • lang/vendor/nova/en.json:
          "All": "All",
  9. Build nova and publish the assets.. enjoy!



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