multiway chromatin interaction, 3D genome, single-nucleus, hypergraph representation learning

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

MATCHA: Probing multi-way chromatin interaction with hypergraph representation learning

This is the implementation of the algorithm MATCHA for analyzing multi-way chromatin interaction data via hypergraph representation learning.


The main part of the alogrithm (process.py, generate_kmers.py, main.py) requires

The visualization part of the algorihtm (denoise_contact.py) requires

  • seaborn
  • matplotlib

Configure the parameters

All the input parameters are stored in the config.JSON file. Please fill in this file before running the program. Note that, some scripts only use part of these parameters, so these parameters can be filled in before running those specific script.

params description example used in
cluster_path the path of the cluster file "./4DNFIBEVVTN5.clusters" process.py
mcool_path the path of the mcool file "./4DNFIUOOYQC3.mcool" process.py
resolution the resolution to consider (bin size) 1000000 process.py
chrom_list list of the chromosomes to consider ["chr1", "chr2"] process.py, main.py
chrom_size the path of the chromatin size file "./hg38.chrom.sizes.txt" process.py
temp_dir the directory of the temp files to store "../Temp" all
max_cluster_size the maximum cluster size to consider 25 process.py, generate_kmers.py
min_distance minimum pairwise genomic distance constraint for multi-way interactions (in unit of the number of bins) 0 generate_kmers.py, main.py, denoise_contact.py
k-mer_size list of the size of the k-mers to considier [2,3,4,5] generate_kmers.py, main.py,
min_freq_cutoff only consider k-mers with occurrence frequency >= 2 generate_kmers.py
quantile_cutoff_for_positive the quantile cutoff of hyperedges to be considered as positive samples. For instance, 0.6 represents the hyperedges with occurrence frequency in the top 40% (>= 0.6) would be used as positive samples. The cut-off is applied to different sized hyperedges separately 0.6 main.py
quantile_cutoff_for_unlabel the quantile cutoff of hyperedges to be considered as non-negative samples (positive + samples that cannot be confidently classified as either positive or negative samples) 0.4 main.py
embed_dim embedding dimensions for the bins 64 main.py


  1. cd Code

  2. Run python process.py, which will parse the input cluster file, mcool file and the chromosome size files. There will be 3 key output files:

    1. bin2node.npy, node2bin.npy within the temp_dir above. As the name indicates, it's a dictionary that maps the genomic bin to the node id and vice verse. The genomic bin has the format of chr1:2000000
    2. node2chrom.npy. It maps the node id to the chromosome.
    3. All these dictionaries can be loaded through np.load(FILEPATH, allow_picke=True).item()
  3. Run python generate_kmers.py, which will further transfer the parsed cluster file into a list of k-mers (hyperedges) with the corresponding occurrence frequencies. The output files are

    1. all_<k-mer size>_counter.npy: the generated k-mers
    2. all_<k-mer size>_freq_counter.npy: the occurrence frequency corresponds to the generated k-mers
  4. Run python main.py, which will train the model based on the generated dataset. The output includes:

    1. model2load within the temp_dir above. The model can be loaded by model = torch.load(FILEPATH). The model can return predictions through model(x). Note that the x should be a pytorch tensor of dtype torch.long
    2. embeddings.npy lies in the root dir. It's the embedding vectors for the genomic bins. The shape of the vectors are (num of genomic bins, embed_dim chosen above). The mapping relationship between the genomic bin and its index in this vector can be retrived in the dictionary node2bin.npy, bin2node.npy mentioned above.
  5. To generate the denoised contact matrix, run python denoise_contact.py There will be output figures named as chr1_origin.png and chr1_denoise.png, etc... produced in the root dir. There will also be an mcool file named as denoised.mcool in the root dir, which contains the denoised intra-chromosomal contact matrix at the given resolution.

  6. To predict the probabilities of forming multi-way chromatin interactions for a custom list of genome coordinate, run python predict_multiway.py -i INPUT_FILE -o OUTPUT_FILE. The INPUT_FILE should be a text file where each line is a tab separated list of genome coordinates. For example:


The output file will be a list of the probability scores stored in the OUTPUT_FILE


If you want to cite our paper

  title={MATCHA: Probing Multi-way Chromatin Interaction with Hypergraph Representation Learning},
  author={Zhang, Ruochi and Ma, Jian},
  journal={Cell Systems},