
Script to sort files according to their filetype in the directory

Primary LanguagePython

Cleanup Script

This script organizes files in a specified directory based on predefined categories.

Table of Contents


  • Automatically organizes files into folders based on predefined categories.
  • Logs details of the cleanup process.


To use the script, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have Python installed on your system.

  2. Install the required Python libraries:

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the script using the following command:

    python cleanup_script.py
  4. Optionally, you can customize the behavior by providing command-line arguments. See Configuration for details.


The script can be configured using command-line arguments. Here are the available options:

  • --location: Specify the directory to clean up. Default is the Downloads directory.
  • --log_file: Specify the name of the log file. Default is a timestamped log file.


python cleanup_script.py --location "/path/to/your/directory" --log_file "custom_cleanup.log"


The script organizes files into the following categories:

  • Image
  • Document
  • Archive
  • Executable
  • Source

Each category corresponds to a specific folder where files of that type will be moved.

Log File

The script generates a log file to record details of the cleanup process. The log file is named based on the timestamp when the script is executed.

Example log file name: cleanup on {timestamp}.log