
Implements CalDAV and CardDAV support for Kopano 8.6.2 or newer.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

kDAV - Kopano CalDAV & CardDAV

Implements CalDAV and CardDAV support for Kopano 8.6.2 or newer. Due to minimal PHP requirements of SabreDAV we recommend the use of PHP 7.0.

As DAV server SabreDAV is used.


kDAV is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 or (at your option) any later version.



The described method is intended for development and testing. It's simplistic and aims to work fast and easy. How this code will be distributed to end users still needs to be defined.

You should have got a checkout/clone of the repository. The main dependencies are installed via Composer, to do that, first get composer itself. Installation instructions can be found here. It's recommend to install composer locally into the main kDAV directory. Then just do

# ./composer.phar install

kDAV configuration

All configs are handled in the config.php file. Adjust MAPI_SERVER to connect to your Kopano instance. The DAV_ROOT_URI parameter must match your webserver configuration, so that it points directly to the server.php file. The default value can be kept if kDAV runs in the root of the domain.

This is the simplest way to setup, running with Apache at port 443:

<VirtualHost *:443>
    DocumentRoot /your-kdav-working-directory/kdav
    ServerName develop.local

    <Directory /your-kdav-working-directory/kdav>
        Require all granted

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

    RewriteEngine On
    # redirect well-known url http://sabre.io/dav/service-discovery/
    # (redirect may need to be done to the absolute external url)
    RewriteRule ^/.well-known/carddav$ / [R]
    RewriteRule ^/.well-known/caldav$ / [R]
    # This makes every request go to server.php
    RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /server.php [L]

    # Output buffering needs to be off, to prevent high memory usage
    php_flag output_buffering off

    # This is also to prevent high memory usage
    php_flag always_populate_raw_post_data off

    # SabreDAV is not compatible with mbstring function overloading
    php_flag mbstring.func_overload off

    # set higher limits by default
    php_value memory_limit 256M
    php_value max_execution_time 259200


Remember to enable mod_rewrite.

SSL is strongly recommended if you use real passwords.

Sync states

kDAV makes use of sqlite to manage sync states. Make sure that your php version has a module for it.

The default location for the sync states db is /var/lib/kopano/kdav/syncstate.db. This location should be writeable for the webserver process (e.g. www-data on Debian).

log4php configuration

kDAV uses Apache's log4php for logging. The configuration file is log4php.xml located in the root folder. The default log location is /var/log/kdav/kdav.log. It is required to create the log directory first:

mkdir -p /var/log/kdav

and grant permissions for the webserver user to write to that directory e.g.

chown -R www-data. /var/log/kdav

The default log4php configuration doesn't rotate the log file, so it might be a good idea to configure logrotate utility for kdav.log e.g by creating /etc/logrotate.d/kdav with the following content:

/var/log/kdav/*.log {
    size 1k
    create www-data www-data
    rotate 4


As first step, point your webbrowser to:


Login with the username + password of a valid Kopano user.

If you don't get the Sabre/Dav overview, check your webserver error logfiles.

In your CalDAV client, set the server URL to


The IP address can of course also be used.

Reporting and Development

Development is done at https://stash.kopano.io/projects/KC/repos/kdav/browse. If you have any feedback or questions please open up a topic at the Kopano forum.

PHPUnit tests

kDAV uses PHPUnit for unit tests. It's installed by composer. The executable binary is vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit, so creating a symlink in the project's folder makes it easier:

ln -s vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit phpunit

In order to run all the test execute:

./phpunit tests

In order to run a specific test pass a path to a specific class as parameter, e.g.:

./phpunit tests\KopanoCardDavBackendTest

Q & A

Q: Which version of Kopano do I need? A: It's recommended to install Kopano 8.6.2 (soon available from the pre-final repo) or a recent master

Q: Which version of PHP is needed? A: We recommend to use PHP7, but currently it also still works with PHP 5.6

Q: Will there be deb & rpm packages? A: Yes, once we have received enough feedback and kDAV is moving towards a final release we will also add packages.

Q: Which clients were tested against kDAV? A: We have focused our testing on Apple OS X and the builtin Calendar, Contact and Reminders apps. But we have already received positive feedback about Thunderbird/Lightning and Evolution as well.

Q: How do I configure clients for kDAV? A: From the Internet Account setting screen you have to choose Add Other Account... from where the options CalDAV Account and CardDAV Account become available. The option for the Advanced account type has to be chosen in both cases, since we want to specify the Server Address manually. For the Server Path a simple / can be given, as Apple Calendars will auto discover all the calendars of the given user automatically. If you ever want to link to a specific calendar from another client, the address kDAV is available from (in above example kdav.example.com) can also be opened in a webbrowser.

A picture is sometimes more worth than a thousand words: Calendar & Reminder setup:

  • 0_1525700254010_CalDAV1.PNG
  • 1_1525700254010_CalDAV2.PNG
  • 2_1525700254011_CalDAV3.PNG
  • 3_1525700254011_CalDAV4.PNG

Contact setup:

  • 0_1525700327110_CardDAV1.PNG
  • 1_1525700327111_CardDAV2.PNG
  • 2_1525700327111_CardDAV3.PNG

If you have configured kDAV in a subdir, e.g. domain.tld/kdav, the configuration is slightly different:

  • 4_20191003155143_CardDAV4.PNG

Make sure that the last part of the Server Path is equal to the User Name.

Q: That seems really hard to setup at clients. Isn't there any easier way? A: Yes, there is. You could setup kDAV for service discovery. Visit http://sabre.io/dav/service-discovery/ for more information.

Q: The initial sync has worked, but new contacts or changes to existing contacts aren't synced. A: Per default Contacts sync once per hour. It is possible however in Contacts' preferences to configure a different fetch period.

  • 5_20191003163719_CardDAV5.PNG

  • 6_20191003163824_CardDAV6.PNG

Known Issues

  • there were reports about syncing on Apple devices taking a very long time. (Tests with Thunderbird/Lighning showed a fast sync)