
A not so simple fitness app.

Primary LanguageKotlin




Status: 🚧 In progress 🚧

A not so simple MVVM fitness app. Its completely offline, uses TypedArray to access and map the drawables to the data returned from the roomDB. Experimenting with an offline first app.

This is a partial recreation of this app i bought on code canyon, years ago. Its created using java, what ive done is to recreate it using koltin and a few jetpack compose libraries.


Looking at other peoples code is sort of like peeking into there minds, seeing how they think. Thats why I love open source and encourage all developer to contribute to it, youll be suprised what youll learn.

Paradigmns (Used Sparingly given the scope of the project)

  1. MVVM
  2. usecases
  3. Reactive programming
  4. Repository pattern
  5. DI
  6. State management
  7. Continous Intergration (Github Actions)


  1. category of workouts.
  2. Splash Screen.
  3. Modal Drawer.
  4. Deeply nested Navigation graph.
  5. Horizontal Pager


  1. Clear all TODOS.
  2. Intergrate Jacoco in the CI(you can refer to this link)

Built Using 🛠

  • Kotlin - First class and official programming language for Android development.
  • ViewBinding - Generates a binding class for each XML layout file present in that module and allows you to more easily write code that interacts with views.
  • Room DB - Used to locally store our data.
  • Dagger Hilt - For dependency injection.
  • Material Design - Core design principles used to design the application.
  • Navigation Component - Navigation system through the app.
  • Android Studio - Arctic fox 2020.3.1
  • etc