
My dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


My dotfiles.


  1. Clone this project to ~/dotfiles, or wherever.

    git clone --depth 1 --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules --remote-submodules https://github.com/ma11hew28/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
  2. Change the values of name and email in config/git/config.

  3. Optional: Create a file named zshrc_private for any private commands.

  4. Back up these files and directories because step 6 replaces them.

    • ~/.config/git/config
    • ~/.config/git/ignore
    • ~/.vim
    • ~/.zshenv
    • ~/.zshrc
    • ~/.zshrc_private
  5. Restart Terminal and change directory to this project.

    cd ~/dotfiles
  6. Install dotfiles.

    zsh install.zsh dotfiles
  7. Restart Terminal.

Manage Vim packages

This project uses Git submodules to manage Vim packages.

List all Vim packages

git submodule

Add a Vim package

git submodule add --depth 1 https://github.com/rust-lang/rust.vim.git vim/pack/bundle/start/rust.vim

Update all Vim packages

git submodule init && git submodule foreach --recursive 'git fetch --depth=1 && git gc --aggressive --prune=now && git submodule init'

Delete a Vim package

git rm vim/pack/bundle/start/rust.vim && rm -rf .git/vim/pack/bundle/start/rust.vim


  1. Restart Terminal and change directory to this project.

    cd ~/dotfiles
  2. Update this project.

    git pull
  3. Update all the Vim packages, as above.

  4. Do install steps 5–7.


  1. Restart Terminal and change directory to this project.

    cd ~/dotfiles
  2. Uninstall dotfiles.

    zsh uninstall.zsh
  3. Restart Terminal.

  4. Optional: Move anything you want to keep out of this project.

  5. Remove this project.

    rm -rf ~/dotfiles