
A telegram 🤖 bot 🤖 for 🎶 music, 📹 videos, 🎬 movies, 🌍 torrent, 📀 EDM tracks, series downloads, and more.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Beetube 🐝 Bot

A telegram bot 🤖 for music, videos, movies, EDM tracks, torrent downloads and more.

https://t.me/beetubers Beetube CI License: MIT


NOTE: By default it's been setup for easy deployment on Heroku, you can select either Github or Heroku CLI deployment method.


  • Node >= v14.x
  • Mongo DB

Telegram Setup (required)

  1. Create a new bot via @BotFather and note the token
  2. Type /setcommands
  3. Select the bot you just created
  4. Copy and paste the below text as the bot's commands
  start - start a conversation with the bot
  search - search through any category
  keyboard - show custom keyboard
  about - about this bot

Install on Local Machine

$ git clone https://github.com/kodjunkie/beetube-bot.git
$ cd beetube-bot
$ cp .env.example .env # Update .env accordingly
$ npm install
# Start mongo db daemon
$ npm start

Installation via Docker

$ git clone https://github.com/kodjunkie/beetube-bot.git
$ cd beetube-bot
$ cp .env.example .env # Update .env accordingly

# To boot-up first time only or whenever docker file is modified (builds the container)
$ docker compose up --build

# To boot-up without building the container (regular use)
$ docker compose up

# To shut-down
$ docker compose down


$ npm test


Checkout the deployed version here


All contributions of any kind are welcome.


This project is opened under the MIT 2.0 License which allows very broad use for both academic and commercial purposes.


External APIs Uses
kodjunkie/raspar Music, Torrent
Go-phie/gophie Movie, Anime