
Check documents for broken urls.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Road to Nowhere 🚶‍♀️

A script to check files for broken http urls.

It finds the urls in each of the specified documents, and performs a get request for each of the urls. It reports the exit code of the request to stdout, making it clear which and how many urls are broken.


To install roadtonowhere, clone this repository, go into the directory, and install it using pip.

git clone https://github.com/koenwestendorp/roadtonowhere
cd roadtonowhere
pip install .


usage: roadtonowhere [-h] path [path ...]

check a document for broken urls

positional arguments:
  path        a file to be checked

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


To check the files in the examples directory, run

$ roadtonowhere examples/*

And the output will look something like this:

Parsing 'examples/example.html'... found 1 urls. Checking for broken urls...
        ok: [200] https://www.iana.org/domains/example
Found 0 broken urls in 'examples/example.html'.

Parsing 'examples/example.md'... found 5 urls. Checking for broken urls...
        ok: [200] https://hachyderm.io/@ma3ke
    BROKEN: [404] https://example.com/this_page_does_not_exist.html
        ok: [200] https://dwangschematiek.nl/
        ok: [200] https://twitter.com/
    BROKEN: [404] http://example.com/some_more_requests_to_non-existent_pages.html
Found 2 broken urls in 'examples/example.md'.


If a request takes more than 10 seconds, it will timeout. The timeout is reported in the output as such:

        ok: [200] https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/masscan
        ok: [200] https://github.com/gvb84/pbscan
   timeout: request took more than 10 seconds http://www.hping.org/
        ok: [200] https://github.com/traviscross/mtr
        ok: [200] https://github.com/mehrdadrad/mylg


Currently, the script has good support for extracting urls from html files. For finding urls in html files, html.parser.HTMLParser is used.

For Markdown and other filetypes, there is naive support:

  • .md Markdown (heuristic: starts with (http{,s}://, ends with ))
  • other filetypes (heuristic: starts with http{,s}://, ends with a whitespace character)

These heuristics are imperfect, but they do get the job done in most circumstances.

Created by ma3ke/Koen Westendorp, 2023. I hope you have a nice day :)