The current examples within this repository uses the HotChocolate Framework to implement a GraphQL Gateway within an HttpTriggered Azure Function and an ASP.NET Core Web Application. These examples will include scenarios which will consume data from services such as third-party APIs, relational database systems like SQL Server utilizing Entity Frameworks, and non-relational document based systems like CosmoDb.
It's recommended that you read the following documentation and have a strong understanding of the listed references before jumping into the source code.
- Fundamentals on ASP.NET Core Middleware
- Fundamentals on ASP.NET Cre Dependency Injectio
- Dependency Injection in Azure Functions
- 🌶 HotChocolate Docs
- 🌶 Framework Repository
- 🌶 Demo by HotChocolate Auther (Michael Staib)
The data being consumed is comming from the following sources
- APIs (and Open Source and free APIs) will need
Unlike a traditional ASP.NET Core Application where we can configure the host at Startup and tell the application which endpoints to use, we need to build a sort of Middleware that can handle the execution of incoming request within the Http Pipline. The current example deomstraits how to implement a custom middleware for executing queries that are processed from the Http Pipline by parsing the request stream.
Download Dependencies ✓ Finished
- HotChocolate
- HotChocolate.AspNetCore
- HotChocolate.Language
- HotChocolate.Server
- HotChocolate.Types
- HotChocolate.Types.Filters
- HotChocolate.Utilities
- Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Extensions (This will allow us to enable dependency injection)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Http (This will add Resiliance to our HttpClient so we don't run into Socket Exhaustion)
Create a Startup Class which inherits from FunctionsStartup ✓ Finished
- Make sure to have the following attribute above your startup class namespace or none of the service will be added to IoC Container : [assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(YourNamespace.Startup))]
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(YourNamespace.Startup))] namespace YourNameSpace { public class Startup : FunctionsStartup { public override void Configure(IFunctionsHostBuilder Builder) { // Step 01 : Add Services Builder.Services.AddHttpClient<EndpointResolver>(); // Typed HttpClient will prevent Scocket Exhaustion // Step 02 : Add Field Resolvers Services Builder.Services.AddTransient<EndpointResolver>(); Builder.Services.AddDbContext<YourDbContext>( Configure => Configure.UseSqlServer(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStringKey")), ServiceLifeTime.Transient); // Step 03 : Create & Build GraphQL Schema Builder.Services.AddGraphQL(ServiceProvider => SchemaBuilder.New() // Add Root ObjectTypes .AddQueryType<GatewayFields>() .AddMutationType<GatewayMutations>() .AddSubscriptionType<GatewaySubscriptions>() // Add Return Types .AddType<ReturnType>() // Do Not Uncomment the below line //.AddServices(ServiceProvider) <-- Unlike a traditional ASP.NET Core Application where Services are Built, Configured, and Run at // Startup Azure Function Apps have services being regirstered before and after Function Startup. // As a result we need to ensure all the service are availble within the IoC Container to add our ServiceProvider containing our Service Collection at Execution time. // You can see this demostraited in HotChocolateGraphHttpRequestHandler class under the Middleware folder // on Line 72. (Note: Based on HttpClientFactory DI Resolve Issue) .Create(), new QueryExecutionOptions { ForceSerialExecution = true, IncludeExceptionDetails = true }); // Step 04 : Add the Execution Middleware Builder.Services.AddGraphQueryExeutionMiddleware(); } } }
- Make sure to have the following attribute above your startup class namespace or none of the service will be added to IoC Container : [assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(YourNamespace.Startup))]
Create Middleware for Query Execution ✓ Finished
- Create Interface for Request Handler
using System; using HotChocolate.Language; public interface IGraphHttpRequestHandler { JsonQueryResultSerializer ResultSerializer { get; set; } IReadOnlyList<GraphQLRequest> GraphQueryRequests { get; set; } Task<IActionResult> ExecuteFunctionsQueryAsync(HttpContext Context, CancellationToken StopingToken); }
- Create interface for Request Handler Options
public interface IGraphHttpRequestHandlerOptions : IParserOptionsAccessor { int MaxRequestSize { get; } }
- Implement Request Handler Options
public class GraphHttpRequestHandlerOptions : IGraphHttpRequestHandlerOptions { private int minRequestSize = 1024; private int maxRequestSize = 20 * 1024 * 1024; private ParserOptions parserOptions = new ParserOptions(); public ParserOptions ParserOptions { get { return parserOptions; } set { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value)); parserOptions = value; } } public int MaxRequestSize { get { return maxRequestSize; } set { if (value < minRequestSize) throw new ArgumentException("Then minimum request size is 1024 bytes.", nameof(value)); maxRequestSize = value; } } }
- Implement Http Request Handler
public class GraphHttpRequestHandler : RequestHelper, IGraphHttpRequestHandler { private readonly IQueryExecutor Executor; private readonly IServiceProvider ServiceProvider; public GraphHttpRequestHandler(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IQueryExecutor queryExecutor, IDocumentCache documentCache, IDocumentHashProvider documentHashProvider, IGraphHttpRequestHandlerOptions graphHttpRequestHanlderOptions) : base(documentCache, documentHashProvider, graphHttpRequestHanlderOptions.MaxRequestSize, graphHttpRequestHanlderOptions.ParserOptions) { Executor = queryExecutor; ServiceProvider = serviceProvider; } public JsonQueryResultSerializer ResultSerializer { get; set; } public IReadOnlyList<GraphQLRequest> GraphQueryRequests { get; set; } public async Task<IActionResult> ExecuteFunctionsQueryAsync(HttpContext Context, CancellationToken StopingToken) { ResultSerializer = new JsonQueryResultSerializer(); using (Stream Stream = Context.Request.Body) { if (Context.Request.ContentType.Equals(MediaTypeNames.Application.Json)) GraphQueryRequests = await base.ReadJsonRequestAsync(Stream, StopingToken).ConfigureAwait(false); else if (Context.Request.ContentType.Equals("application/graphql")) GraphQueryRequests = await base.ReadGraphQLQueryAsync(Stream, StopingToken).ConfigureAwait(false); else return new BadRequestObjectResult("There was either no Query or the Query was mal-formed"); if (GraphQueryRequests.Count > 0) { var QueryRequest = QueryRequestBuilder.New() .SetServices(ServiceProvider) .SetQuery(GraphQueryRequests[0].Query) .SetOperation(GraphQueryRequests[0].OperationName) .SetQueryName(GraphQueryRequests[0].QueryName); if (GraphQueryRequests[0].Variables != null && GraphQueryRequests[0].Variables.Count > 0) QueryRequest.SetVariableValues(GraphQueryRequests[0].Variables); IExecutionResult Result = await Executor.ExecuteAsync( QueryRequest.Create()); await ResultSerializer.SerializeAsync( (IReadOnlyQueryResult)Result, Context.Response.Body, StopingToken); } return new EmptyResult(); } } }
- Create & Expose IHttpRequestHandler to Service Container
public static class GraphHttpRequestHanlderExtensions { public static IServiceCollection AddGraphQueryExeutionMiddleware(this IServiceCollection ServiceCollection, IGraphHttpRequestHandlerOptions Options) { ServiceCollection.AddSingleton(Options); // Performance Note: Singleton slows down Resolvers. Transienct will allow concurent execution of multiple Fields ServiceCollection.AddTransient<IGraphHttpRequestHandler, GraphHttpRequestHandler>(); return ServiceCollection; } public static IServiceCollection AddGraphQueryExeutionMiddleware(this IServiceCollection ServiceCollection) { ServiceCollection.AddGraphQueryExeutionMiddleware(new GraphHttpRequestHandlerOptions()); return ServiceCollection; } }
- Create Interface for Request Handler
Inject & Implement IHttpRequestHandler into Function Endpoint
public class Main
private readonly IGraphHttpRequestHandler RequestHandler;
public Main(IGraphHttpRequestHandler requestHandler)
RequestHandler = requestHandler;
public async Task<IActionResult> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest Request, CancellationToken StoppingToken)
return await RequestHandler.ExecuteFunctionsQueryAsync(Request.HttpContext, StoppingToken);