
JavaScript bridge connection point between any page and OpenAI GPTs

MIT LicenseMIT


JavaScript bridge connection point between any page and OpenAI GPTs. It provides a way to create other extensions or use BridgeGPT library to interact with GPTs.



  1. Any page is a consumer of GPT, and another page contains a page with opened Chat-GPT where questions are asked.
  2. Using the JavaScript library (BridgeGPT) injected into any page by Chrome Extension, it can use the method BridgeGPT.ask() to communicate with another page with GPT.
  3. For the end user provided a JavaScript accessible method BridgeGPT.ask()
  4. Communication between tabs happens in one of the following ways.
  5. When asking GPT, optionally you can define a response schema which should be followed by GPT to form a response.

Spec of BridgeGPT

class BridgeGPT {
   construct (gptUrl: string, responseSchema?: Object);
   async ask<T>(question: string): Promise<T>;

Example of usage:

const responseSchema = {
   "kpis": ["KPI 1", "KPI 2"],
const gpt = new BridgeGPT('https://chat.openai.com/g/g-bLDsE3HsD-goal-planner'); // or just https://chat.openai.com
const answer = gpt.ask('Grow on Twitter to 10k in 12 months');

Example of programmatical message in chat GPT:

const askGPT = (input) => {
  const inputElement = document.querySelector('#prompt-textarea');
  const inputEvent = new Event('input', { bubbles: true });
  inputElement.value = \`${input}\`; // must be escaped backticks to support multiline
  const btn = document.querySelector('button[data-testid="send-button"]');
  btn.disabled = false;

  // How to wait for the response finalization and capture it?



  • injected into the page BridgeGPT allows to interact from the page with desired GPT
