
This is a multi-project solution dotnet template for creating an enterprise-level Web API using .NET 6 ASP.NET Core using the Clean Architecture principles and API best practices.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

.NET 6 Web Api Template

Build CodeQL

This is a multi-project solution dotnet template for creating an enterprise-level Web API using .NET 6 ASP.NET Core using the Clean Architecture principles and API best practicies.


This template was designed to create a standard to create .NET 6 Web APIs with enterprise-level considerations.

The solution template consist of scafolding for API versioning, CQRS, email, localization, logging, IP rate limiting, JWT, Open API, validation, unit and integration testing.

Getting Started

Use the instructions provided below to get the solution up and running.


You will need the following tools:


  1. Install the latest .NET Core 6 SDK.
  2. Run dotnet new --install Net6WebApiTemplate::1.0.0-preview.1 to install the project template
  3. Then navigate to the location you would like to create to project
  4. Run dotnet new net6webapitemplate -o "MyProject" to create a new project

Docker Setup

ASP.NET Core Web API uses HTTPS and relies on certificates for trust, identity and encryption. To run Net5WebTemplate application Docker over HTTPS during development do the following:

  1. Generate certificate using 'dotnet dev-certs' (for localhost use Only!).

Note: Update the docker-compose file with dev-cert password used.

On Windows using Linux Containers

dotnet dev-certs https -ep %USERPROFILE%\.aspnet\https\aspnetapp.pfx  -p your_password
dotnet dev-certs https --trust

When using PowerShell, replace %USERPROFILE% with $env:USERPROFILE.

On macOS or Linux

dotnet dev-certs https -ep ${HOME}/.aspnet/https/aspnetapp.pfx -p { password here }
dotnet dev-certs https --trust
  1. Build and run Docker containers run Docker compose located in the solution directory
docker-compose -f 'docker-compose.yml' up --build

Database Setup

To setup the SQL Server database following the instrcutions below:

  1. Reveiw the connection string in appsettings.Local.json and update the database name.
  2. Run dotnet ef migrations add Initial --context <ProjectName>DbContext to add migation with EF Core
  3. Run dotnet ef database update Initial to create application database.


  • Demar-j - Implemented API endpoints, Unit and Integration tests.
  • mahousen - .


This solution's structure was heavily infuenced by Jason Taylor's Clean Architecture model. Icon made by Flat Icons from www.flaticon.com


The main branch is running .NET 6.0


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md main branch is running .NET 6.0 file for details.