
A blog system made in Riot.js made for learning Riot.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

##Riot.js blog##

Learning Riot.js by building a blog system with Riot.js (as front end)


  • Riot.js
  • ES2015 with Babel 6
  • Browserify
  • Gulp
  • Fetch polyfill
  • SASS
  • Node
  • Express
  • Bluebird
  • MongoDB with Mongoose
  • ESLint

Rough project plan

  • Setup version control
  • Setup project structure
  • Setup basic build system and npm
    • ES2015 features: Babel
    • Script packaging: Browserify
    • Task runner: Gulp
  • Create tags:
    • blog tag
    • post tag
    • editor tag
    • (preview tag)
    • comment tag
    • menu tag
    • toast tag
    • spinner tag
    • user info tag
    • user creation tag
    • administration tag?
    • ...
  • Application logic
    • state
      • nanoflux? riotux? reflux? redux?
    • user authentication
    • data transfer
  • Node server
    • Express
  • Persistance
    • MongoDB
    • Mongoose
  • Testing strategy?


  • Verify user login against db
  • Reimplement logout functionality with the new login page
  • Extend login tag with create user possiblities, or create a new page for this?
  • Show toast on logout
  • Create client permission object to toggle certain features even if logged in, like create new post
  • Check if user name exists on signup
  • Create viewport tag which is connected to the routing; hiding/showing/saving current view state?
  • Create an extended message format for sending data from server to client
  • Choose a logging package instead of using console. winston seems good?
  • Fix regression that shows 'New post' even though user/author is logged in
  • Choose a Flux implementation to replace the EventBus with
  • Setup JWT authentication strategy
  • Save/load state on startup/close
  • Create install script and/or instructions
  • Create a db setup/reset script for mongo shell
  • Refactor tags to import logic from external script
  • Introduce SASS + build step
  • Refactor tags to use styles from external stylesheet with SASS
  • Setup back-end
  • Setup api/routing file for use in both server and client
  • Setup server config file

Install instructions

todo. npm install. npm install babel-core -g. gulp *mumblemumble* mongo ...