An electron release tool.
It does the following, in this order -
- Runs electron-packager
- Runs
npm version
- Pushes tags and commits with
git push --porcelain --follow-tags
- Creates a GitHub release
- Creates
of packages created byelectron-packager
- Uploads
files and adds them to the created release
npm install -g electron-liberate
A .liberate
config file will need to be created for prjects which will use electron-liberate. This config must be -
GITHUB_REPO=<repo name>
GITHUB_TOKEN=<personal access token>
with the right information filled out.
liberate <version> <flags>
$ liberate <version>
--build, -b Build directory of packages, used as --out for electron-packager
--output, -o Output directory for zipped packages, if left blank will be the same as --build
--name, -n Release name for GitHub
--body Release body for GitHub
--draft, -d If this the GitHub release should be a draft
--prerelease, -pre If the GitHub release should be marked as prelease
Electron Packager Options, for details see
$ liberate 2.0.0 -b build