
A fully functional website that allows users to perform various functions of Encryption/Decryption and Hashing. The tools also consists of a Password Strength Checker.

Primary LanguageHTML


A fully functional website that allows users to perform various functions of Encryption and Decryption using various algorithms.

Initial Milestones :

  1. Integrating an OTP System that uses HMAC-SHA1 algorithm with timeout based refresh system along with support from Backend Servers.
  2. Demonstration of Why a 4 Digit OTP System will fail within the 10 Minute timeframe, since 4 Digit Based Numeric OTP's can be bruteforced and broken into.
  3. Add a URL Fuzzer using a basic dictionary to bruteforce and find all possible hidden directories/files on a given URL.
  4. Add PWNED Database Check for Password Strength Checker, hacked/leaked passwords should be alloted a low strength, even if they are strong.

Updates :

  1. Added Basic XOR Encryption Technique via Random Private Key Generation.
  2. Added a counter Decryption Technique.
  3. Used Neon - Glow BootStrap for formatting and styling the website.
  4. Added HMAC SHA256 Base64 Hashing Algorithm.
  5. Implemented RSA Algorithm from Scratch with increased Randomisation and PreComputed Prime Numbers/Euclid's Algorithm for GCD/Modular Exponentiation for instant response.
  6. Added MD5 Hash and AES Encryption and Decryption via CryptoJS.
  7. Added URI Decode Component of JS to decode URI's particularly encountered while intercepting requests.
  8. Added a Password Strength Checker that allots a score based on unique characters used and the count of Non-Words + Numbers, and allots a Strength Level based on this custom cumulative score.
  9. Added PWNAGE Check to Password Strength Checker via HaveIBeenPWNED API.