
A proof-of-concept framework for CI of geometry with blender.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A proof-of-concept framework for CI(continious integrate) pipeline of geometry with blender. The CI pipeline runs on Jenkins, inside blender docker container


Pipeline has 4 steps:

  1. Collect, find all fbx files inside geos folder and write an manifest, with a python docker container.
  2. Test, run all test scripts under tests folder over each fbx file, in a blender docker container. Here I add one script for test polycount density.
  3. Build, run all build scripts under builds folder over each fbx file, in a blender docker container. Here I add one script for generate LOD meshs.
  4. Submit, add and commit everything newly created to git.


  • Windows 10
  • Docker for windows
  • Jenkins

Note: You need to grant user access to jenkins workspace, usually at C:\Program Files(x86)\Jenkins\workspace, so that docker could write files into the workspace.

The project does not works on Linus, as CI script are written in PowerShell, but you could write a shell version.

To run

Assuming Docker and Jenkins are installed.

  1. fork this project to your repo url.
  2. add a fbx file under geos folder and push.
  3. create a "Pipeline" item in Jenkins, set repo url to your repo url, and use Jenkinsfile for pipeline.
  4. run the pipeline.
  5. generated mesh will be under your jenkins workspace, you could then push to git.

Note that the blender docker is around 1GB and could be slow to download.

To write test and build script

Test Script

for unit-test over geometry, template is like:

import bpy
from bpy_runner import blender_fbx_test

def main(parm1, parm2, ...):
    # do anything in blender

name this script test_***.py and put it under tests folder, pipeline will recognize and run it under test stage.

parameter could be specified in test scripts ci/tests.ps1

Build Script

Different from unit-test, build script import the geometry, do some stuff, then export geometry under same filename. Whereas test script does not export geometry.
for build over geometry, template is like:

import bpy
from bpy_runner import blender_fbx_build

def main(parm1, parm2, ...):
    # do anything in blender

name this script build_***.py and put it under builds folder, pipeline will recognize and run it under build stage.

parameter could be specified in test scripts ci/builds.ps1

My Blog on this: Build A Blender Geometry CI Pipeline |搭建一个Blender模型CI(持续集成)框架


Blender in Docker: nytimes/blender