
Find architecture portfolios on Issuu

Primary LanguagePython


Find architecture portfolios on Issuu


使用库: urllib + re

folder 4000: results after crawling for 4000 portfolios and sorted by likes
folder 10000: results after crawling for 10000 portfolios and sorted by likes, ran for 6 hours on my laptop

To Use this crawler

1. Start Crawler.

  1. change directory to this project
  2. open crawlForMostLikedPortf.py
  3. change your starting portfolios. I add some urls to myqueue, you can add your favorite portfolios into this queue.
  4. change your saving directory on line 45
  5. change portfolios number on line 26
  6. run the script.

2. Restart Crawler.

If you have finished last crawl, the script should have saved two files dictPub.csv and dictQueue.csv

  1. change directory to this project
  2. open LoadAndContinueCrawl.py
  3. change your saving directory on line 40
  4. change portfolios number on line 20
  5. run the script.

3. Save a Portfolio

  1. change directory to this project
  2. open downloadPublications.py
  3. change your saving directory on line 12
  4. change the portfolio url you want to download on line 9
  5. run the script.