web client is not showing the data structures
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Building the dashboard demo using instructions and code from latest github. The json data does not appear on the dashboard. It shows no data in json file... Is there some build option I am missing ...its like something is not getting generated. What can I check?
Thank you.
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html
platform = espressif8266
board = d1_mini
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
lib_deps = ESP Async WebServer, ArduinoJson
#the script below regenerates
#the HTML page using webpack
#the config objects
#the certificate store
extra_scripts = scripts/preBuild.py
build_flags = -DDASHBOARD_PATH=examples/dashboard/dashboard.json -DBOARDREBUILD_DASH -DREBUILD_HTML
#available build flags:
#-DREBUILD_HTML forces a rebuild of the html.h, this is needed if you make modifications to the GUI, or the configuration or dashboard JSON files
#-DREBUILD_CERTS forces a rebuild of the root certificate store
#-DOPENSSL="C:/Program Files/Git/usr/bin/openssl.exe" Path to openssl executable
#-DREBUILD_CONFIG forces a rebuild of the configuration manager cpp files based on the JSON
#-DBOARDREBUILD_DASH forces a rebuild of the dashboard cpp files based on the JSON
#-DDOMAIN_LIST=google.com,maakbaas.com comma separated list of domain names to limit the certificates included
#-DCONFIG_PATH=configuration.json defines a custom location for your JSON file
#-DDASHBOARD_PATH=dashboard.json defines a custom location for your JSON file
generated file#ifndef DASH_H
#define DASH_H
struct dashboardData
char projectName[32];
char stringInput[32];
uint16_t dummyInt;
bool dummyBool;
float dummyFloat;
uint16_t inputInt;
bool inputBool;
float inputFloat;
on web page:
ESP8266 IoT Framework
WiFi Settings
File Manager
Firmware Update
There are no items defined in the JSON file
It is okay to close this. But, I might suggest something be added to the scripts to check the environment is setup correctly, specifically for the project directory ci. I missed it. I have now installed all the latest packages and its building with no errors. I had to modify preBuild.py (removing the ../):
elif isinstance(item, tuple) and item[0] == "CONFIG_PATH":
copyfile(env.get("PROJECT_DIR") + '/' + item[1], 'gui/js/configuration.json')
elif isinstance(item, tuple) and item[0] == "DASHBOARD_PATH":
copyfile(env.get("PROJECT_DIR") + '/' + item[1], 'gui/js/dashboard.json')
elif isinstance(item, tuple) and item[0] == "DOMAIN_LIST":
domains = item[1]
elif isinstance(item, tuple) and item[0].lower() == "openssl":
openssl = item[1]
and I added the empty subdirectory 'include'