Framework for IoT projects implementing HTTPS requests, a React web interface, WiFi manager, live dashboard, configuration manager, file manager and OTA updates.
- 5
The cipher AES128-SHA is not supported for TLSv1.2.
#164 opened by Eisbaeeer - 0
ssl.wrap_socket() gots removed within python 3.12
#168 opened by pfichtner - 1
Upload empty file failes
#171 opened by riban-bw - 3
Import issue Arduino IDE 2.1.1
#166 opened by CaveRenderPro - 1
WIFI reconnect
#160 opened by EtlamGit - 1
Missing dependancy
#170 opened by riban-bw - 1
Json name with spaces
#169 opened by TadyTheFish - 1
html.h not being rebuild
#167 opened by djanknecht - 2
Examples are missing the required build_flags
#118 opened by JonasHess - 6
fetch.POST Example
#107 opened by pallabseal - 3
Failing at Step 9.
#154 opened by Tinteex - 4
Dependency issues in library
#158 opened by walles12 - 3
WiFi passwords including "+" not working
#155 opened by pfichtner - 7
Error when run "npm ci"
#152 opened by loiiiic - 32
ESP32 Support...
#142 opened by aaronse - 1
403 Forbidden response to GET request
#157 opened by Patxe - 1
Request: click button in dashboard
#159 opened by Eisbaeeer - 4
Enhancement: Adding "label" in dashboard
#148 opened by Eisbaeeer - 1
Separator and titol in config page
#147 opened by marcolino7 - 5
Adding "type": "password" in configuration
#141 opened by Eisbaeeer - 1
mDNS not working
#151 opened by marcolino7 - 4
Holding connections open for long periods of time
#144 opened by chrisco484 - 12
Event on Dashboard Change
#145 opened by marcolino7 - 3
- 1
nice will have a look
#143 opened by ldijkman - 1
projectVersion example
#139 opened by Eisbaeeer - 3
ESPAsyncWebServer.h not found
#138 opened by llpamies - 2
#include "LittleFS.h"
#137 opened by spehlefalk - 3
Feature request - Slider
#134 opened by Eisbaeeer - 1
Use relative paths in Dashboard and API
#133 opened by csiwek - 2
Wifi Settings (Forget) not working
#136 opened by Eisbaeeer - 2
Fetch example throws exception
#135 opened by rdcavanha - 4
Cant connect to own webserver via WAN & LAN
#131 opened by kkuez - 2
fetch.addHeader() crashes Get-request
#130 opened by kkuez - 0
Problem rebuilding HTML
#129 opened by perkinsinnovation - 6
- 1
- 6
No Webserver?
#127 opened by t10r - 1
Device goes straight to Captive Portal even when wifi is defined if AP is not available
#122 opened by joshbmarshall - 2
compiling does not work
#124 opened by MatMat81 - 1
Captive portal only
#123 opened by spyflox - 2
is there a way to add button component for dashboard
#112 opened by zenonasz - 1
Asynchronous Fetch requests
#111 opened by joshbmarshall - 3
WiFiClientSecureBearSSL.h:116:23: error: 'CertStoreBase' has not been declared
#110 opened by Oxoproline - 2
CertStoreBase Error
#109 opened by Eisbaeeer - 1
- 3
Web Page Reload re-triggers
#104 opened by kindredally - 1
How to add a custom certificate?
#106 opened by Mudr0003 - 3
#105 opened by kindredally - 1
web client is not showing the data structures
#103 opened by kindredally