ALE Rainbow SDK for Android

Welcome to the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Rainbow Software Development Kit for Android!


The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) Rainbow Software Development Kit (SDK) is an Android library based on Java for connecting your Android native application to Rainbow.

Its powerfull APIs enable you to create the best Android applications that connect to Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Rainbow.

This documentation will help you to use it.

Rainbow developer account

You need a Rainbow developer account in order to use the Rainbow SDK for Android

Please contact the Rainbow support team if you need one.



The Rainbow SDK for Android supports older versions of Android up to Android Jellybean.

The minimal version supported are:

Pre-requisites Version supported API Level
Android >= 4.1 16

Android Studio

A stable version of Android Studio is needed to develop with the Rainbow SDK for Android.

The following OS are supported:

Operating System Version supported
Windows Starting Windows 7
MacOS Starting OS X 10.11

Set up the project

Step 1 : Set minimal version of Android SDK

RainbowSDK is using the Android SDK version 16 so you must set it to the minimal in your app.
With gradle:

android {
    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 16

Step 2 : Add the gradle dependency to the Rainbow SDK for Android

In your app\build.gradle, add these lines:

    allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url "" }


    dependencies {
        compile 'com.github.Rainbow-CPaaS:Rainbow-Android-SDK:1.29.0'

And Sync Now.

Configure your Android project

Step 1 : Configure permissions

Add the following permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PROFILE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />

Step 2: Add an Application class

NB: If you already have a class which extends Application, you can skip this step.

Create a java class in your project which extends Application (for example
Go to AndroidManifest.xml and add the reference:


Step 3 : Initialize the Rainbow SDK in your project

In the onCreate() of your application, you have to set a notificationBuilder with different parameters and call the initialize method.There are two possible cases for that .

1) connecting to the official Rainbow environment

The initializing method needs two parameters: the application ID and the secret key of your application.

These information allow to identify the application you are developping. For more information, see Injecting key and secret which explains what is the purpose, how to create an application and how to get the application ID and the secret key.

 public void onCreate() {
                                                the_icon_app_id,         // You can set it to 0 if you have no app icon
                                               "Connect to the app",
    RainbowSdk.instance().initialize("applicationId", "secretKey"); 
2) You want to connect on the Developer Sandboxed Platform

However, when you are developping, you may want to connect on the Developer Sandboxed Platform. In that case, you don't need to provide an application ID and the secret key. Just call the initializing method with no parameter as following:

    public void onCreate() {
                                                    the_icon_app_id,      // You can set it to 0 if you have no app icon
                                                   "Connect to the app",

That's all! Your Android application is ready for connecting to Rainbow!

Connecting to Rainbow

In order to connect to Rainbow you need to have a valid Rainbow account , simply click here if you don't have one .

After getting a valid account you have to start the rainbow service first then signin , if you want to connect to the official Rainbow environment use the following signin method

RainbowSdk.instance().connection().start(new StartResponseListener() {
        public void onStartSucceeded() {
            RainbowSdk.instance().connection().signin("@email", "password", new SigninResponseListener() {
                public void onSigninSucceeded() {
                    // You are now connected
                    // Do something on the thread UI
                public void onRequestFailed(RainbowSdk.ErrorCode errorCode, String s) {
                    // Do something on the thread UI
        public void onRequestFailed(RainbowSdk.ErrorCode errorCode, String err) {
            // Do something

But if you have another host you want to connect on (example: "") use this signin method

RainbowSdk.instance().connection().signin("@email", "password", "host", new SigninResponseListener() {
        public void onSigninSucceeded() {
            // You are now connected
            // Do something on the thread UI
        public void onRequestFailed(RainbowSdk.ErrorCode errorCode, String s) {
            // Do something on the thread UI

That's all! Your application should be connected to Rainbow, congratulation!


Retrieve the list of contacts

Rainbow Android SDK allow you to retrieve the list of contacts from the server. the returned list represents your Roster onec (Contact who already have their rainbow account and you accept them as friends ). You can access to them by using the following API:


But you have to listen to the contacts list changes. See more in ArrayItemList , You can do that by creating an IItemListChangeListener in the class which is listening and then register as follows .

public class ContactsFragment extends Fragment {
   private IItemListChangeListener m_changeListener = new IItemListChangeListener() {
       public void dataChanged() {
           getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
               public void run() {
                   // Do something on the thread UI ,For example :here Im updating my Contcat Adpter 

           ArrayItemList arrayItemList = instance().contacts().getRainbowContacts();


   public void onViewCreated(View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
       super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);

   public void onDestroyView() {


Retrieve a contact information

Accessing individually an existing contact can be done using the API getContactFromJabberId() or getContactFromCorporateId()

    // Retrieve the roster contact  full information.
   RainbowSdk.instance().contacts().getContactFromCorporateId(Contact corporateId);

Regarding the method getUserDataFromId(), if the contact is not found in the list of contacts, a request is sent to the server to retrieve it (limited set of information depending privacy rules).

Searching for a contact by name .

If you want to search for a Rainbow contacts who already have their Rainbow account inorder to add them to your network , use this API

RainbowSdk.instance().contacts().searchByName(String name, final IContactSearchListener listener);

then You have to create IContactSearchListener in the class which is listening and then register as follows .

  public class MyFragment extends Fragment  {
       private IContactSearchListener m_searchListener = new IContactSearchListener() {

       public void searchStarted() {

       public void searchFinished(List<DirectoryContact> list) {
           //here you can get list with the serach Contcat by name result

           getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
               public void run() {
                // here you can update the UI thread

       public void searchError() {
   public void onViewCreated(View view, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
       super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
        RainbowSdk.instance().contacts().searchByName('Name', m_searchListener);

Add a contact to a Roster list .

In order to invite a contact to your Rainbow network you can use this API .

 RainbowSdk.instance().contacts().addRainbowContactToRoster(final String contactCorporateId, final String contactEmail, final IRainbowSentInvitationListener listener);

you need to register to IRainbowSentInvitationListener to manage the callbacks after you send the invitaion .For example, prevent adding contact who is already in your roster list ,if the invitation has already been sent in the last 3600 seconds, or invitation success ,...etc .

 private IRainbowSentInvitationListener addContactListener = new IRainbowSentInvitationListener() {
        public void onInvitationSentSuccess(String s) {
            Log.d(TAG, "onInvitationSentSuccess: " + s);

        public void onInvitationSentError(RainbowServiceException e) {
            Log.d(TAG, "onInvitationSentError: " + e.getDetailsMessage());


        public void onInvitationError() {
            Log.d(TAG, "onInvitationError: ");


Remove a contact From contacts list

To remove a contact from your network , it is the same mecanism: use this API

 RainbowSdk.instance().contacts().removeContactFromRoster(String contactJid, String contactEmail, IRainbowContactManagementListener listener);

And don't fogret to create IRainbowContactManagementListener as follows :

 private IRainbowContactManagementListener mRemoveContactListener = new IRainbowContactManagementListener() {
        public void OnContactRemoveSuccess(String s) {
            Log.d(TAG, "OnContactRemoveSuccess: " + s);


        public void onContactRemovedError(Exception e) {
            Log.d(TAG, "onContactRemovedError: " + e.toString());


Note: be careful about the contact id used , in removeContactFromRoster use Contact jabber Id which you can get it using getContactId() Rainbow method . However , in AddRainbowContactToRoster use contact Corporate Id using getCorporateId() method


Change presence manually

The Rainbow SDK for Android allows to change the presence of the connected user with list of potential choices .But first lets get the connected user by calling the following api:


To set Presence manually call this API

RainbowSDK.instance().myProfile().setPresenceTo(RainbowPresence presence);

The following Rainbow Presence values are accepted:

Presence constant value Meaning
ONLINE online The connected user is seen as available
DND dnd The connected user is seen as do not disturb
AWAY away The connected user is seen as away
OFFLINE invisible The connected user is connected but seen as offline

Managing contacts updates.

You need to detect when the data of a contact are modified, or when a property of an object in the list are changed .So you have to listen to contact updates by creating a ContactListener as follows .

private Contact.ContactListener m_contactListener= new Contact.ContactListener(){
        public void contactUpdated(Contact contact) {
         //here you can detect the updated contact , Do something on the thread UI

        public void onPresenceChanged(Contact contact, RainbowPresence rainbowPresence) {
          // here you can Listen to contact presence change

        public void onActionInProgress(boolean b) {
        // Do something on the thread UI


And then register to that listener .

    public class MyFragmentWhichIsListeningToContactUpdates implement Contact.ContactListener {
        private IRainbowContact my_contact;
        public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
             return view;
         public void onDestroyView() {

Listen to contact presence change

Contact presence is one of the contact property which you can listen to it when its change as mentioned in Managing contacts updates . When the presence of a contact changes, the following event is fired:

public void onPresenceChanged(Contact contact, RainbowPresence rainbowPresence) {
        // here you can Listen to contact presence change

In the following table , you can find a several values for user presence :

Presence Status Meaning
ONLINE online The contact is connected to Rainbow through a desktop application and is available
ONLINE mobile_online The contact is connected to Rainbow through a mobile application and is available
AWAY away The contact is connected to Rainbow but hasn't have any activity for several minutes
DND DoNotDisturb The contact is connected to Rainbow and doesn't want to be disturbed at this time
DND_PRESENTATION presentation The contact is connected to Rainbow and uses an application in full screen
BUSY_AUDIO audio The contact is connected to Rainbow and currently engaged in an audio call (WebRTC)
BUSY_VIDEO video The contact is connected to Rainbow and currently engaged in a video call (WebRTC)
DND_PRESENTATION sharing The contact is connected to Rainbow and currently engaged in a screen sharing presentation(WebRTC)
OFFLINE The contact is not connected to Rainbow
UNSUBSCRIBED The presence of the Rainbow user is not known (not shared with the connected user)

Notice: Values other than the ones listed will not be taken into account.

Instant Messaging

Retrieve conversations

To retrieve all active conversations (peer to peer conversations and bubles), you can call the method getAllConversations() but you have to listen to the conversations list changes. See more in
You can do it by creating an IItemListChangeListener in the class which is listening and then register.

   public class MyFragmentWhichIsListeningConversations extends Fragment {
        private IItemListChangeListener m_changeListener = new IItemListChangeListener() {
            public void dataChanged() {
                // Do something on the thread UI
                ArrayItemList<IRainbowConversation> conversations = RainbowSdk.instance().conversations().getAllConversations();

        public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            return view;

        public void onDestroyView() {

To differenciate the two types of conversation, you can use the isRoomType method of IRainbowConversation.

    for(IRainbowConversation conversation : conversations.getCopyOfDatalist()) {
        if (conversation.isRoomType()) {
            // The conversation is a bubble / room
        else {
            // The conversation is a peer to peer conversation

Send a message to a conversation

To send a message to a conversation, you just have to call the API sendMessageToConversation() with the IRainbowConversation. The GUI is updated by the IItemListChangeListener above.

  RainbowSdk.instance().im().sendMessageToConversation(m_conversation, "your message text);

Listening to incoming messages

Since you store the conversation you got from getAllConversation() method in ArrayItemList you will be able to listen to any conversation update which include listening for incoming messages . So when a new message is received, the IItemListChangeListener detect that and update the conversation automatically. When receiving a message, the SDK for Android automatically send a receipt of type received to your recipient. folowing is a table with of recipent types

Receipt constant value Meaning
SENT 0 server not received message yet(E.g . you have no connection)
SENT_SERVER_RECEIVED 1 client not connected
SENT_CLIENT_RECEIVED 2 client connected, just received it
SENT_CLIENT_READ 3 client read the message
RECEIVED 4 When receiving a message, SDK for Android sends it automatically
READ 5 sent when client call markMessagesFromConversationAsRead()

Marking a message as read

To manually mark a message as read , you need to send a receipt of type read when the message received has been read. this is can done by calling the API markMessagesFromConversationAsRead() with the IRainbowConversation as method parameter


List of events

Here is the list of list of the events that you can subscribe on supported by the Rainbow-Android-SDK

Name Description
SigninResponseListener Fired when you try to connect to Rainbow and do signin
IContactListener Fired when contact has been updated
IRainbowInvitationManagementListener Fired when invitation is being accepted or declined
IRainbowSentInvitationListener Fired when invitation is being sent
IContactSearchListener Fired when you search for contact
IRainbowContactManagementListener Fired when you a contact is being removed from roster list
IRainbowImListener Fired when a new message is received for a given conversation.
IRainbowConversationsListener fired when the list of conversations has changed.
IRainbowGetConversationListener Fired when the conversation is being called

Features provided

Here is the list of features supported by the Rainbow-Android-SDK

Instant Messaging

  • Retrieving or creating a conversation from a contact.
  • Sending a new message .
  • Listening for a incoming message.
  • Marking a message as received or read .


  • Get the list of contacts
  • Get contact individually
  • Managing contacts updates
  • Displaying contact full information
  • Searching for a contact by name
  • Adding the contact to the user network
  • Removing the contact from the user network


  • Get the presence of contacts
  • Set the user connected presence


  • Retrieving a conversation from a contact .
  • Send a message to a conversation .
  • Marking a message as read .