
Simple vertical and horizontal swipe gesture directive for angular js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple vertical/horizontal swipe gesture directives and a swipe service for angular js >= 1.4. Small extension of the existing angular $swipe service.

Fork Info

This is a Fork from marmorkuchen-net/angular-swipe. It has the following extra features/changes:

1- Vertical swiping can be enabled/disabled by passing a third paramater to the service swipe.bind(elem,{},true/false)

2- swiping now continutes if the mouse/finger goes out of the element bounds. i.e 'move' handler is called even if the pointer is out. Also 'end' handler fires upon releasing in anywhere in the window.

Fork -> To do

1- impelemnt the above features to the directive as well not just the service.


  • Add this line to your bower.json dependencies and run bower install afterwards.
"angular-swipe": "~0.1.0"
  • Include the required source file (this path or similar)
<script src="bower_components/dist/angular-swipe.js"></script>
  • Inject the swipe module into your app.
angular.module('app', ['swipe']);


Module Name (Dependency)

  • swipe


  • ng-swipe-up
  • ng-swipe-down
  • ng-swipe-left
  • ng-swipe-right

Directive Attributes

ng-swipe-disable-mouse "This attribute is useful for text that should still be selectable by the mouse and not trigger the swipe action."


  • swipe


<div class="page" ng-controller="AppCtrl">
    <div class="container" ng-swipe-up="swipe($event)">
      <h1>Swipe me up!</h1>
var app = angular.module('app', [ 'swipe' ]);
app.controller('AppCtrl', function AppCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.swipe = function($event) {

Known issues and workarounds

  • ng-swipe-up and ng-swipe-down uses preventDefault when you start swiping. This prevents clicks from giving focus to input fields. Adding a noPreventDefault class to these elements will not preventDefault when the swipe start on them and thus allow clicks to work.