
An admin panel for make money android application.

Primary LanguageRuby

Make Money Admin

An admin panel for make money android application.


  • Signup/Login admin users
  • Enable/Disable any advertise platform (eg. Google Admon, Facebook ads)
  • Redeem Requests Page
  • User Block/Unblock
  • Push Notifications for user


  • Carrierwave
  • mini_magick
  • devise
  • sidekiq


    git clone http://www.github.com/maanavshah/make-money-admin

    cd make-money-admin

    bundle install

    rake db:create

    rake db:migrate

    rails s

Heroku Deployment


  1. Login heroku

    heroku login
  2. Add heroku remote make-money-admin

    heroku git:remote -a make-money-admin
  3. Push code heroku master

    git push heroku master
  4. Add postgresql addon to heroku

    heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
  5. Rake setup (No need for rake db:create)

    heroku run rake db:migrate
  6. Add environment variables GMAIL

    heroku config:add GMAIL_USERNAME=usernam@email.com
    heroku config:add GMAIL_PASSWORD=password
  7. Scale Web application

    heroku ps:scale web=1
  8. Open website in browser

    heroku open
  9. Check Logs

     heroku logs
     heroku logs --tail
  10. Bundle rails console and sidekiq

    heroku run bundle exec rails c
    heroku run bundle exec sidekiq

Gem alternatives

  • devise - JWT (authentication and authorization)
  • god - track sidekiq/nginx if disabled, then automatically re-enable
  • foundation - bootstrap
  • scss - sass mixin
  • carrierwave - ActiveStorage
  • state-machine
  • kaminari
  • turbolinks
  • jbuilder