
Advanced piping shell

Primary LanguageCISC LicenseISC

This repo has been moved to Codeberg and may be out of date on GitHub.
Canonical repo: https://codeberg.org/maandree/apsh

	apsh — advanced piping shell

	apsh is a shell designed to give the user the ability
	to create advanced pipelines. To this end, all forks
	apsh makes of itself share exported and unexported
	variables, with the exception of when the ( ) syntax
	is used to fork the shell, in which case they are
	inherited but unshared.

	apsh has support for <( ) and >( ), as well as <>( )
	which creates a socket instead of a pipe and connects
	both ends. Similarly <>| is like |, except it creates
	a bidirectional socket instead of a pipe. apsh also
	lets the user create pipes and sockets before they
	are used.

	Additionally if ( ) or (( )) is used as an argument
	in to a command, the code is formatted and parsed
	the as a string to the command as that argument.